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Artigo Psilocybin - Brochura ou apostila do investigador

Artigos & Livros details

Investigator’s Brochure - Lisa Jerome
March-April 2007


Este artigo de revisão contém um grande número de informações sobre a Psilocybin, a principal substância ativa dos cogumelos mágicos, ao lado da sua sucessora metabólica Psilocina.

Alguns pontos de destaque:

Long-Term Effects of Psilocybin
To date, only Griffiths and colleagues have assessed potential long-term changes after psilocybin in the context of a double-blind, active placebo controlled study, finding that two months after drug administration, participants were more likely to report positive attitudes toward life and the world and increased satisfaction and well-being after psilocybin than after methylphenidate, and friends noticed small positive life changes after psilocybin (Griffiths et al. 2006). Neither psilocybin nor methylphenidate produced negative changes in attitudes or life changes. Interviews and questionnaires occurring approximately 25 years after the study of the effects of psilocybin in divinity students observing a religious service found that participants who had received psilocybin continued to report a greater number of positive life changes than controls, and very few negative life changes (Doblin 1991). As described earlier, groups of participants underwent the study and the blind was poorly maintained, but follow-up interviews suggest that the lasting effects of psilocybin are positive.

Farmacocinética dos cogumelos mágicos:

Psilocin and psilocybin are eliminated through the kidneys, both as unaltered drug and conjugated with glucuronides (Hasler et al. 2002), with most psilocin and psilocybin excreted three hours after oral administration. Researchers detected inter-individual variation in urinary excretion of psilocin and psilocybin. Most detectable psilocin appeared between two and four hours after drug administration. On the basis of urinary psilocin levels 12 to 24 hours after approximately 0.21 mg/kg psilocybin, it is likely that most or all psilocybin and psilocin is excreted from the body at or within 24 hours after administration
(Hasler et al. 2002).

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