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Artigos & Livros details

PiHKAL stands for "Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved". In "Pihkal, a chemical love story" Ann and Alexander Shulgin describe their brave search for new psychoactive substances. The first part is a compelling novel full of stories, wisdoms of life and yes… romance. In the second part all newly discovered psychoactive substances are described again complete with chemical synthesize methods for the chemistry fanatics.

"This courages and compelling book… provides a marvelous glimpse of altered states of consciousness and a unique opportunity to become acquainted with two exceptional lovers and fearless psychonauts. If phenethylamines become as important in the future as I believe they will, this book will be seen as a treasure-trove of historic importance." - Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University

TiHKAL is a book written in 1997 by Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin about a family of psychoactive drugs known as tryptamines. A sequel to PiHKAL, the full title of the book is Tryptamines i Have Known And Loved: The Continuation. Content: TiHKAL, much like its predecessor PiHKAL, is divided into two parts. The first part, for which all rights are reserved, begins with a fictionalized autobiography, continuing where the similar section of PiHKAL left off; it then continues with a collection of essays on topics ranging from psychotherapy and the Jungian mind to the prevalence of DMT in nature, ayahuasca and the War on Drugs. The second part of TiHKAL is a detailed synthesis manual for 55 psychedelic compounds (many discovered by Alexander Shulgin himself), including their chemical structures, dosage recommendations, and qualitative comments.

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