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OK well here goes....(first off all the tubing i used was 7/16 inch outer diameter, 5/16 inch inner diameter and the grommets were all 3/8 inch inner diameter grommets i started off with a tub like this one(disregard the tyvek and pretend it is still a whole tub)
Foto 1
a hole on one of the short sides of the tub like this
foto 2
grommet in for the tube that is going to come from the humidifier like so
foto 3
Ok now that I have that done I cut out 4 2" holes 2 on each of the long sides of the tub and covered them with a double layer
foto 4
of tyvek like this
Alright now here is where it gets personal , my bro came up with the idea to take a mini cd and put a grommet in it (the same size as all the other ones for this whole project) and silicone it on to the top of the humidifier where the original mist output was at,all you have to do is pop off the original mist output.This is what it looked
foto 5
like to begin with
and now this is what it looks like
foto 6
Ok then i took 2 2 liter soda bottles and put two of the affore mentioned grommets in each of them (one for the tube coming into the bottle and one for the tube coming out of the bottle, this is what it looks like now that i have the humidifier and bottles with grommets set up
foto 7
and then I just inserted the last piece of tubing coming from the last bottle into the grommet in the fruiting chamber.Next what i did was set up the air pump with polyfill filters and the bubble stone and to do this I took a plastic mason jar lid and drilled 2 holes in the lid the same size as the aquarium hose one in the middle and one near the edge,then i took the tube from the air pump and hooked it into the polyfill filter(called a check valve) like this
foto 8
and then I took another piece of tubing from the check valve and ran it into the center hole in the plastic lid of the mason jar and then once the tube was in the lid I connected the bubble stone(note once you connect the bubble stone if you try and take the tube off of it it will break so you need to split the tube with a razor if wanting to remove it) it
foto 9
looks like this
Then after that was done I drilled a same size hole as the airline tubing in the opposite side of the side I put the humidifier tube and grommet into like this
foto 10
and ran a piece of tube from the hole in the jar near the edge of the jar lid into the tub.I also got some eggcrate(the stuff they use in flouroscent light fixtures) and cut it to fit the bottom of the tub (it is a PITA to cut to get it to fit just right by the way) to keep the cakes off of the bottom of the tub like this
foto 11
Also the way these tubs are made I had to drill 2 holes into the bottom of the tub in 2 different places to make sure that the water that gets accumulated in the tub can drip out in to a big bowl that i use to catch the are the two holes that i drilled..view from the inside of the tub
foto 12
(note you can kinda see the ridge that is in the way and that little ridge type deal is why i had to drill 2 holes instead of one) and here is a bottom view
foto 13
(you can see the ridge a little better from the bottom) and i have my tubs on these things called yaffa blocks to keep them off of the ground and also so i can put a rag on the other side and opposite corner of the drain holes so the water can all run to the drain holes and drain out...Ok and now for the final product and what it looks like in my closet(the pics are in order from the left side of my closet to the right side)
foto 14
foto 15
foto 16
foto 17
foto 18