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Psilocybin Psychotherapy - Relato muito interessante retirado do Erowid


Membro Ativo
Porto Alegre
Pessoal, li esse relato e achei muito interessante para repassar aos que, como eu, buscam autoconhecimento, através e cogumelos.

Está em inglês, se eu tiver tempo tentarei traduzir, mas achei o relato muito bom, é meio longo, mas vale a pena ler.

a fonte é o site do Erowid : https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=88538

DOSE: 10 g oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (fresh)


Psilocybin Psychotherapy

When thinking back it is hard to place exactly where my recreational use of Psilocybin-containing fungi became less recreation and more deep personal psychotherapy, it was more a pattern that emerged over repeated use and my determination to enjoy the experiences regardless of the hard times I was having just before peaking.

First I feel I must give you a mental image of the scenarios we were consuming the fungi, we being me and my brother Michael. In recreational settings like the countryside in daylight I never experienced any difficulties, the 'trips' were very psychedelic and filled with a love of life and the planet that gave us this life, returning with profound realisations on the Universe and our place in it as tiny as it is. The problems came in settings which promoted internalisation, retrospective reflection and internal analysis as part of the trip, we stumbled upon these as we attempted to reach the spiritual states of consciousness we had both read about from authors like the McKenna brothers.

We did not want to follow Shamanic rituals of old as they had all been polluted when the practitioners attempted to conform as Christianity tried to purge the planet of all other religions especially those involving sacrements which helped them contact God or enter a spirit world.

We already knew that under the influence of Psilocin visual patterns could be seen on the mind's eye when we closed our eyes and relaxed, we wanted to see if these visuals could overwhelm the visual cortex with eyes open. After many different attempts changing dosage and settings we realised this was easily achieved by setting the trips in absolute darkness so that we could not tell a difference between eyes open or shut, the results were mind blowing and the visuals became projected and external often making us reach out to touch them. They would always start as geometric revolving, ultra evolving patterns of ever increasing complexity and after about 20 minutes peaking in absolute darkness the patterns became solid, fully formed hallucinations created from the stored imagery in our subconcious minds. If we hallucinated a field of grass this was made up from a selection of every blade of grass we had ever seen in life if it needed be.

Approximately forty minutes after consuming anywhere above 10 grams of fresh Psilocybe cyanescens (one of the most potent species according to Stamets and Wasson) in absolute darkness is where my difficulties were occurring, these manifested themselves in me being forced to relive traumatic experiences and episodes of my life in graphic first, second and third person detail, by this I mean I was forced to relive these episode from the perspective of everyone involved regardless of whether or not I wanted to. many times I tried to resist and avoid reliving these experiences as I believed I had survived them as best as anyone could and did not want to revisit any of them. So time and time again each trip the first hour I suffered these trips down memory lane and until I submitted to the recall I was not allowed any of the euphoria and enjoyment parts of the trip, it was starting to put me off psychedelics as I felt I needed to build up the mental energy to go through a traumatic part of my past before getting any fun and enlightenment.

During this time in my life (25) I was a very angry person with a lot of hostility towards a society I felt had neglected me and persecuted me for the person it had made me become, I had a lot of resentment and was diagnosed as Agoraphobic with misanthropic tendancies, I had no job and was on incapacity benefits due to my mental condition after being stabbed in the stomach a few years earlier in an argument over £5. I was a typical example of the type of person recommended to avoid psychedelic use but I had been using psychedelics recreationally since I took my first LSD blotter on my 14th birthday, this trip was done alone due to my friends buying pieces of ordinary paper with something drawn on it, mine was a full blown experience of a 'Double Dipped Purple Ohm' or at least that was the sales patter. Whether it was double dipped or not made no difference, I submerged into the one consciousness eventually dropping into a deep sleep and then attending school the next day as if nothing had happened, anyway I have completely digressed but this was the absolute start of my psychedelic journey which is far from over now aged 35.

Back to the psychotherapy tripping, by now I realised I had issues and there was no hope of affording regular psychotherapy so I decided instead of trying to avoid and resist the analysis of my previous traumas that I should give in to the visions and see if I can see why these events from my life were causing me such problems, this was not out of a desire to have a healthy mind but just one healthy enough to stop spoiling my psychedelic experiences.

We set the scene of a darkened room in comfort and consumed 10 grams of Cyanescens each, the fungi as usual started having an effect within 20 minutes and 20 minutes after that the geometrics patterns started to evolve, as they formed into solid hallucinations I was presented with what at first I thought was a landscape of rolling hills and I was flying above this at a very low altitude, the landscape was made up of a metalic grey network of rope like fibers and every now and then I could see what looked like clear glass dome structures or bubbles on the surface, these glowed gently. As I passed these glowing bubbles which were sometimes in groups I would then come to what in the distance looked like fires and as they entered to the foreground they were similar to the glowing bubbles but emblazened in colours representative of danger and gave me an overwhealming sense of fear and dread as I came closer to them, at first I quickly tried to avoid these angry looking bubbles and was almost successful but avoiding one of them I was drawn into what felt like the gravitational field of another one of these angry bubbles, there was a blinding nano-flash of immense white light and the landscape was gone.

The light faded and I was in a memory of my own from the age of around 9 years old, this memory was as vivid as any movie I have ever watched being played out on my minds eye in the absolute darkness which we had set the trip. The memory was not a good one. As perspectives go in this situation I was like a floating camera in the room and my mother was getting ready for a night out, we were going to be babysat by my sisters father, he was not happy about this and was getting hostile and aggressive towards my mother and us. Me and my brother are sitting on the sofa trying to watch tv hoping things were'nt going to kick off but we had already given each other several knowing looks, my sister is getting dressed in her night clothes for bed by her father whilst he is arguing with my mother. As he got angrier he started aggressively dressing my sister and roughly handling her and she started to cry, my mother as any mother would seeing her child being abused attacked him grabbing him by the hair screaming 'you fucking bastard hurt my bairn ....' and hitting him with everything she had, I grabbed my sister and me, Michael and Diane cuddled together to protect each other on the other side of the room as my mother lost the upper hand in the fight and it again turned into the now familiar scene of him beating her viciously, someone somewhere must have heard this happening again and called the police who dragged him out of the house and arrested him.

The view blurs into a nothingness then back in now situated in my bedroom and me and my brother are lying in our beds asleep, there is a series of loud bangs waking us up it is my sisters father he has been let out by the police and is forcing entry into the house by smashing in the front door, the fear and terror is at maximum levels I am again 9 years old and helpless worried he is going to kill us all, again a blinding nano-flash of unbearable white light and I am back in the grey rolling landscape this time without control and below me in the fiery bubble of the memory I had just relived, the colours and intensity of it are fading and the bubble itself melts into the landscape and can not be seen, nearby there are several of the glowing bubbles and I am instantly drawn like gravity into the nearest one. In this bubble it is me who is the agressor dominating the school playground reinforcing my status as hardest in the school by starting fights with anyone who thought they should have that status and anyone I thought might present a threat to my status.

Realisation washed over me like a bucket of cold water over my head that my anger and agression was born out of the helplessness I had felt in the numerous occasions over the 5 years at the hands of my sisters father the aggresor at home. Again the nano-flash and what felt like hours was flicking past which in reality were in minutes each time entering different glowing bubbles on the landscape, each one I am older and older reinforcing the lesson with example after example of where my aggression and hostility had stopped me getting the most out of a situation, this continues until I am in memories from just a few days earlier when I was being aggressive to others, each time I am experiencing my own aggression from the victims perspective, one of them even being my brother Michael, his perspective felt from everytime in our lives flash remembered in a flick of a second, the continued upset of how all he wanted was for us to be good brothers and not be afraid of me loosing it, I'm also forming thoughts if I had been that victim probably very similar to what they actually did about me at the time.

This trip altho quite traumatic in itself was the start of the good path, in post analysis I realised the grey landscape was my subconcious brain and the further I travelled through it, the further back in my memory I was going, the visual effect was very simlilar to a helicopter flying low over a terrain of rolling hills and fields but soundless apart from a constant background low resonance hum common to me in large psilocybin doses, the fiery coloured bubbles were traumatic episodes in which I had carried a chip or picked up a mental complex from and to this day they were effecting my life and anyone in it, the glowing bubbles were events where I had missed valuable life lessons which would have done me good due to the warped defensive perspectives I had formulated from the bad times.

Over the next couple of weeks I analysed the experience almost continuously especially noticing that I did not feel the need to agressively dominate any social situation I was a part of plus the resulting internal peace I was feeling from letting this anger go and realising through my entire life as a defensive measure I was making sure I was the aggressive one who people should fear, could I have really solved a major part of my personality disorder by eating too many fungi, it felt like I had and I wanted to believe but I was sceptical and wondered if it would last and if at all even real. Maybe I'd imagined I was free from my anger and fear from controlling me.

I was keen for my next experience this time eager to revisit the grey landscape and its memory bubbles and the lessons contained within each one, over the next 6 months we were tripping at least every 2 weeks, we always still to this day keep several weeks between trips for reflection and appreciation of the previous experience. Each time I was returning with profound self awareness and revelations, each trip I would relive a at least one fiery bubble memories and the related glowing bubbles before being allowed access into what we started to call 'The Psychedelic Soup of All Knowledge' simply the blissfull period when you are comfortable peaking on a 'good trip'. This continued for me almost every 2 weeks each time we tripped to the point where I no longer got to visit the grey landscape and was instead presented with a psychedelic soup of sheer bliss and contentment, occasionally I went straight to the Psy-soup and in retrospect I realise these were times when I was still absorbing the knowledge from the previous session.

After about 6 months of this my personality disorders were non apparant and the people in my life I love and who loved me all were remarking on the changes for the better in my personality and I noticed that all of them were spending more time around me, they seemed more relaxed in my presence and we all started to get to know me and each other properly.

Now then the problem still exists that I am 26 with no job or decent qualifications and in the 'incapacity benefits trap' basically I can not get a job that pays enough to have me in the same situation I am in financially once the benefits are removed and I have no idea of how to get myself out of it, on top of this I have been out of work for over 5 years due to major psychological problems and on paper I look unemployable, I push these thoughts to the back of my mind and try to make the most of life for what it is.

It is about a month after this and we decide to have another Cyanescens adventure and expecting the psychedelic euphoria of recent trips I dive in without hesitation in the belief that i had learnt all the lessons to learn, as the fractal geometrics formed into solid hallucinations I am presented with a spotlight circle shone from above and in the centre of this light I am sitting legs crossed and arms folded looking down into my lap, at the edges of the spotlight range there are the vague shapes of people standing around me at the light perimeter in a complete circle and 2 voices can be heard. One of the voices is a child who I soon recognise to be myself around 8 years old and the other voice is my adult self but the tone of my voice is relaxed, almost benevolent and giving an impression of great wisdom, the 2 voices of my child self and my benevolent adult self are discussing my current situation in life, what little I have achieved and what I am capable of (I believe now the benevolent wise version of my voice is the person I thought I would grow up to be when I was 8). My 8 year old self is not happy and steps into the circle of light standing very confidently bold as brass, the light changes from a circle to a corner and I am sitting in same position in that corner and the 8 year old me has me boxed in, he said

'So then is this it? Is this all you are getting for us from life? What happened to being the best, the big dreams and promises you made when you were me? What happened to getting a great job and having enough money to look after all the family so we are not as poor? You never even kept your promise to drive your nanna up the big hill on your motorbike, you havent even got a motor bike licence!!!'

The 8 year old me moved backwards without walking out of the light laughing at me. The conversation took up again between the benevolent adult voice of me and the 8 year old me, they decided that as I no longer had the obstacles of the personality disorder I had no reason to still be in this situation all jobless with no prospects and they proceded to decide for me what must be done to solve it. They decided I had to go back to school and get computer qualifications proving I was no longer the mental defective and making myself look employable on paper. My 8 year old me and the benevolent adult voice of me also decided that I should not smoke tobacco as it was going to kill me being an asthmatic, they both laughed together at the fact I even started smoking in the first place reminding each other of the no smoking signs I drew for my bedroom wall and when I would not let anyone in my room who was smoking, the laughing faded and I entered the psychedelic soup again in sheer bliss, what felt like months had actually been about 20 minutes of the trip and I was still peaking beautifully.

Over the next couple of weeks I reflected on this, talked about it with my brother and we both laughed about the madness of the magic mushroom and the human brain and whether any of this had any real baring on us and if the changes were permanent or just imagined, my brother not being a metal defective had been regularly dissolved into the bliss of the psychedelic soup, hopefully he will write up a trip report sometime and explain fully his interpretation of pyschedelic soup and the variety of ways he has birthed into it as his ego dissolved.

About a month after this trip we decided to trip again, the instant the fractals formed into solid hallucinations I was presented with my 8 year old self asking me what I had done to impliment the changes we had agreed on regarding my employability, as I had done nothing I knew I could not lie to him so shamefully admitted I had done nothing, he promised me then that as long as I done nothing he would continue to torment me every time I used psychedelics instead of letting me enter the psychedelic soup. I promised if he left me alone there and then to enjoy the trip that the day after the trip I would go to the Incapacity Benefits Office and see about what help they had for getting people in my situation back into work, the 8 year old me was satisfied with this promise and allowed me access to the psychedelic ego free euphoria of the soup and all the bliss it contains but warned me if I did not keep this promise he would be much worse next time.

The next day I was analysing the experience with the 8 year old gate keeper partially feeling like my subconcious was determined to torture me and out of sheer desire not to have my psychedelic experiences ruined in this way I went to the Incapacity Benefits Office, they were delighted at my enthusiasm and before I left the office I was signed up to go to college and live on campus for a year for 8 hrs per day 5 days a week as a mature student with just 1 subject learning to be a Cisco PC Tech, just for clarification I have never smoked tobacco again, whilst at college on night times I was able to study and get NVQ level 1,2 +3 in English and Maths to repair my neglected GCSE results. Since leaving college I have worked for The Breast Cancer Campaign, Friends of the Earth, BNS Telecom, British Airways, T-Mobile and currently I am with one of Britains top companies and the only person I occasionally get angry with is myself at specific times when I know I am doing something the 8 year old me would be kicking my arse about, I figure if I do it in reality he won't gatecrash my alternate realities to educate me.

These days my trips are sheer psychedelic bliss and every now and then if my conscious mind misses a life lesson from the experiences in my reality I always catch the missed lesson in the next psychedelic episode delivered always before the pleasure and comfort of the peak.

I have heard it said many times and read it even more that if you are having difficult times in your life you should avoid the psychedelic experience as anyone who reads this will understand I don't follow that belief and any time I am in a situation I cannot solve in a conscious state I take the problem into a heavy psychedelic state for an alternate perspective.

Exp Year: 2003 ExpID: 88538
Gender: Male
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 29, 2011 Views: 14,506
Está em inglês, se eu tiver tempo tentarei traduzir

@fabriciopessoa, aguardamos a tradução (tradução mesmo, não jogar no google e postar o texto que sair ;) )

Creio que só se o texto estiver em português, para facilitar a leitura de quem não domina o inglês, se justifica postar aqui um relato que está disponível no Erowid.
@fabriciopessoa, aguardamos a tradução (tradução mesmo, não jogar no google e postar o texto que sair ;) )
To meio curto de tempo mas prometo que tentarei,nem que seja em partes, pq o relato é realmente muito interessante.


Bom pessoal, o relato completo são seis páginas do word, assim que vou tentar fazer uma por dia se der.

Aí vai a parte I:

DOSE: 10 g oralCogumelo - P. cyanescens(fresco)

Peso Corporal: aprox 100kg

Psicoterapia com Psilocybina

Pensando no meu passado, é difícil saber exatamente quando o meu uso recreacional de fungos contendo psilocibina se tornaram menos recreacionais e mais uma profunda psicoterapia pessoal. Foi mais algo que surgiu através do uso contínuo e minha determinação de gozar as experiências independentemente dos momentos difíceis os quais estava tendo pouco antes de chegar ao ápice das experiências.

Primeiramente, gostaria de dar a vocês uma imagem mental dos cenários em que nós estávamos consumindo os fungos, sendo “nós” eu e meu irmão Michael. Em cenários recreacionais como no campo durante o dia eu nunca tive dificuldades, as “viagens” foram sempre muito psicodélicas e cheias de um amor à vida e ao planeta que nos deu a vida, retornando com realizações profundas sobre o universo e nosso pequenino lugar nele. Os problemas vieram em ambientações que promoveram internalização, reflexão retrospectiva e análise interna como parte da viagem, nós nos deparamos com isso conforme tentávamos atingir os níveis espirituais de consciência que nós dois havíamos lido de autores como os irmãos Mckenna.

Nós não queríamos seguir antigos rituais xamânicos pois eles todos foram poluídos quando seus praticantes tiveram de entrar em acordo com princípios cristãos quando o cristianismo tentou “limpar” o planeta de todas as outras religiões, especialmente aquelas envolvendo sacramentos que os ajudavam a entrar em contato com Deus e o mundo espiritual.

Nós já sabíamos que sob a influência de Psilocina formas visuais podiam ser vistas na mente quando fechávamos os olhos e relaxávamos e queríamos saber se essas visões poderiam impressionar o córtex visual com os olhos abertos. Depois de várias tentativas modificando dosagens e ambientações nós concluímos que esse estado era alcançado facilmente ao ambientar as viagens no escuro absoluto de forma que não poderíamos notar diferença entre estar de olhos abertos ou fechados, os resultados eram impressionantes e as visões se tornaram projetadas e externalizadas, seguidamente fazendo-nos chegar a alcançá-las. Elas sempre começavam com formas geométricas girando e ultra-evoluindo em padrões com aumento constante de complexidade e depois de aproximadamente 20 minutos no pico do efeito, em escuro absoluto, os padrões se tornavam sólidos, alucinações completamente formadas criadas a partir de imagens guardadas no nosso subconsciente. Se alucinássemos um gramado, ele seria feito de uma seleção de todos os tipos de grama já vistos em nossas vidas, se fosse necessário.

Aproximadamente quarenta minutos depois de consumir qualquer quantidade acima de 10 gramas de Psilocybe cyanescens frescos (um dos mais potentes de acordo com Statmets e Wasson) no escuro absoluto era onde minhas dificuldades aconteciam, elas se manifestavam comigo sendo forçado a reviver experiências e episódios traumáticos da minha vida de forma gráfica e detalhada e em primeira, segunda e terceira pessoa, o que significa que eu era forçado a reviver esses episódios desde a perspectiva de todos os envolvidos, independente de eu querer ou não. Muitas vezes eu tentei resistir e evitei reviver esses episódios pois eu acreditava que eu tinha sobrevivido a eles da melhor forma que alguém poderia tê-lo feito e não queria rever nenhum eles. Assim , repetidamente em cada viagem a primeira hora eu sofria com essas viagens para baixo da minha linha de memória e até eu me submeter ao chamado a mim não me era permitido nada da euforia ou felicidade da viagem e isso estava me afastando de psicodélicos pois eu sentia que precisava acumular energia mental para eu poder passar por experiências traumáticas antes de gozar de qualquer diversão ou iluminação espiritual.

---------- fim da primeira parte
Última edição por um moderador:

Durante esse tempo em minha vida (25) eu era uma pessoa muito agressiva e hostil contra uma sociedade que eu acreditava ter me negligenciado e julgado pela pessoa em que essa mesma sociedade me transformou, eu tinha muito ressentimento e fui diagnosticado com Agorafobia com tendências misantrópicas, eu não tinha um emprego e vivia à custa do auxílio desemprego por invalidez, devido às minhas condições mentais depois de ter sido esfaqueado na barriga alguns anos antes em uma discussão por £5 libras. Eu era um típico exemplo do tipo de pessoa a quem se recomenda evitar psicodélicos mas eu vinha usando psicodélicos recreacionalmente desde que eu tomei o meu primeiro LSD no meu aniversário de 14 anos, viagem que foi feita sozinho uma vez que meus amigos compraram pedaços de papel comum com desenhos neles e o meu foi uma completa e intensa experiência de um “OHM” roxo de dupla dose (pingado nos dois lados), ou ao menos foi o que o vendedor falou. Se era “dose dupla” ou não fez diferença, eu submergi na minha consciência e finalmente caí em um sono profundo e indo para a escola no dia seguinte como se nada tivesse ocorrido. De qualquer Enfim, eu acabei divagando demais, mas esse foi o ponto inicial da minha jornada psicodélica que está longe de acabar hoje que eu estou com 35 anos.

De volta às minhas viagens psicoterápicas, eu agora me dou conta que eu tinha coisas a trabalhar na minha mente e nenhuma esperança de poder pagar por psicoterapias convencionais, então eu decidi em vez de evitar e resistir às análises dos meus traumas passados que eu deveria me render às visões e ver se eu conseguia ver o motivo pelo qual esses eventos da minha vida me estavam causando problemas e isso não era pelo desejo de ter uma mente saudável, apenas uma mente saudável o suficiente para deixar de estragar as minhas experiências psicodélicas.

Nós organizamos o cenário de um quarto escuro e confortável e consumimos 10 gramas de Cyanescens cada, os cogumelos, como de costume, começaram a dar efeito em aproximadamente 20 minutos e 20 minutos depois as formas geométricas começaram a evoluir e conforme elas se tornavam em alucinações sólidas eu fui apresentado com o que em princípio eu achava ser uma paisagem de colinas e eu estava voando acima disso em baixa altitude, a paisagem era feita de uma rede cinza metálica de cordas como fibras e de vez em quando eu podia ver o que pareciam ser domos de vidro ou bolhas na superfície, que se iluminavam sutilmente. Conforme eu passava por tais bolhas, que às vezes estavam agrupadas, eu me aproximava então do que de longe parecia fogo, e conforme elas se aproximavam do meu campo de visão eles eram parecidas com as demais bolhas luminosas, mas destacadas em cores que representavam perigo e me davam uma noção intensa de medo e pavor conforme eu me aproximava. De início eu tentava evitar essas bolhas que pareciam bravas e eu quase consegui, mas ao evitar uma delas eu fui sugado pelo que parecia um campo gravitacional de outra delas houve um flash intenso de luz branca que me cegou e o cenário havia desaparecido.

----------- fim da parte II
Esse cara com certeza estuda psicologia, bem legal o relato...
Esse cara com certeza estuda psicologia, bem legal o relato...

Cara, é agora que o relato começa a ficar legal... vou postando conforme for conseguindo traduzir, achoq ue no total serão 6 partes.

Parte III:

A luz foi se apagando e eu estava em minha própria memória com mais ou menos 9 anos de idade, essa memória era tão vívida quanto qualquer filme que eu já tenha visto, sendo passado na minha mente no escuro absoluto onde havíamos organizado a viagem. A memória não era das boas. A perspectiva era como se eu fosse uma câmera flutuando no quarto e minha mãe se preparava para sair, nós iríamos ser cuidados pelo pai da minha irmã, que não estava muito contente de ter de fazê-lo e estava bastante agressivo e hostil conosco e com minha mãe. Eu e meu irmão estamos sentados no sofá tentando assistir tevê e esperando que as coisas não fossem explodir, mas nós já tínhamos nos dado alguns daqueles olhares de quem já sabe o que está a ponto de acontecer. Minha irmã estava sendo vestida com suas roupas de dormir pelo seu pai enquanto ele discute com minha mãe. Conforme ele ia ficando mais irritado ele começou a vestí-la de forma agressiva e a segurando de forma nada delicada e ela começou a chorar. Minha mãe, como qualquer mãe faria ao ver sua filha sendo mal tratada o atacou segurando o seu cabelo e gritando “seu imbecil! Machucando minha filha!...” e batendo nele com qualquer coisa que ela tivesse. Eu agarrei minha irmã e eu, Michael e Diane nos abraçamos juntos para proteger uma ao outro e do outro lado da sala minha mãe perdeu a vantagem da situação e, novamente, tudo se encaminhou para a cena já familiar dele batendo violentamente na minha mãe e alguém em algum lugar dever ter escutado isso acontecendo de novo e chamou a polícia que o arrastou para fora de casa e o prendeu.

A visão embaçou para um nada e depois voltou no meu quarto e eu e meu irmão estamos deitados na cama dormindo e há uma série de fortes batidas nos acordando. É o pai de nossa irmã que havia sido liberado pela polícia e estava forçando sua entrada na casa destruindo a porta da frente. O medo e o terror estavam em níveis máximos e eu estou lá, novamente com 9 anos e achando que ele iria entrar e matar a todos nós. Novamente um flash branco insuportável me cega e eu estou de volta na paisagem cinza, desta vez sem nenhum controle e abaixo de mim, a as cores e luzes da bolha ardente da memória que eu tinha recém revivido começaram a diminuir e a bolha em si derrete e se funde com a paisagem até que não pode mais ser vista. Por perto há outras várias bolhas e eu sou instantaneamente arrastando como por gravidade para a mais próxima.
Última edição por um moderador:

Nesta bolha eu é quem sou o agressor dominando o parquinho da escola e reforçando o meu estado de mais durão da escola, começando brigas com qualquer um que eu achasse que poderia representar uma ameaça ao meu status.

A realização me lavou como um balde de água gelada ao dar-me conta de que minha raiva e agressão nasceram do sentimento de impotência que eu senti inúmeras vezes durante os 5 anos nas mãos do pai de minha irmã, o agressor em casa. Novamente veio o flash e o que pareciam horas que passavam como um filme na verdade eram minutos, cada vez entrando em bolhas diferentes na paisagem, em cada uma eu era mais velho e reforçando as lições com exemplos e mais exemplos de onde minhas agressões e hostilidade me impediram de tirar o melhor proveito de diferentes situações. E assim continua até memórias de apenas alguns dias antes quando eu estava sendo agressivo com os outros e cada vez eu sentia as agressões desde as perspectivas dos agredidos, um deles sendo meu irmão Michael, e sua perspectiva sentida em cada momento em nossas vidas, relembrada em questões de segundos, e a tristeza contínua de como tudo o que ele queria era simplesmente que fossemos bons irmãos e não de estar com medo de eu perder o controle, e ao mesmo tempo em que eu ia formando pensamentos de que se eu tivesse sido a vítima eu teria agido da mesma forma que eles agiram na época.

Essa viagem, apesar de um tanto traumática em si, foi o início de um bom caminho, numa análise posterior eu me dei conta de que a paisagem cinza era meu subconsciente e quanto mais longe eu viajava através dele, mais longe em minha memória eu estava indo. O efeito visual era semelhante ao de um helicóptero voando em baixa altitude sobre um terreno de colinas e campos, mas sem som algum, exceto por uma espécie de zumbido de baixa frequência constante no fundo, o que era bastante comum para mim em doses altas de psilocybina. As bolhas incandescentes eram episódios traumáticos onde era agressivo ou de onde eu tirei algumas das minhas dificuldades mentais e que até hoje estavam afetando a minha vida e a vida de todos os envolvidos nela. As bolhas brilhosas sendo momentos em que eu deixei escapar valiosas lições de vida que teriam me feito muito bem devido às perspectivas defensivas e deformadas que eu havia formulado em momentos ruins.

Ao longo de algumas semanas seguintes eu analisei a experiência quase que continuamente e notando especialmente que eu não sentia mais a necessidade de dominar agressivamente nenhuma situação social da qual eu participava, resultando em uma paz interior que eu estava sentindo ao deixar essa raiva ir embora e me dando conta que, durante toda a minha vida, de uma forma defensiva eu buscava garantir que eu seria o agressor que as pessoas deveriam temer. Poderia eu ter resolvido a maior parte do meu transtorno de personalidade comendo muitos cogumelos? Eu sentia que sim e queria acreditar que sim, mas ao mesmo tempo eu estava cético e me perguntando se isso iria durar e se isso era mesmo real. Talvez eu estivesse imaginando que estava livre da minha raiva e meu medo que me controlavam.
Parte V :
Eu estava empolgado para ter minha próxima experiência, desta vez ansioso para revisitar a paisagem cinza e as bolhas de memória e as experiências contidas em cada uma delas, e pelos próximos 6 meses nós estávamos “viajando” pelo menos a cada duas semanas, o que continuamos a fazer até os dias de hoje, mantendo algumas semanas entre as viagens para reflexão e apreciação da experiência anterior. Cada vez eu voltava com uma profunda auto consciência e várias revelações, a cada viagem eu iria reviver ao menos uma das bolhas incandescentes de memorias as bolhas luminosas relacionadas a elas antes de poder entrar no que começamos a chamar “a Sopa Psicodélica de Todo Conhecimento”, simplesmente o período de pura felicidade quando você está confortavelmente no auge de uma viagem boa. E assim foi a cada duas semanas até o ponto em que eu não podia mais visitar a paisagem cinza e, em vez disso, era apresentado à sopa psicodélica de imensa felicidade e contentamento e algumas vezes indo diretamente a ela e eu acredito que isso acontecia nos períodos em que eu estava ainda absorvendo o conhecimento da sessão anterior.

Depois de 6 meses assim os meus transtornos de personalidade não eram mais aparentes e as pessoas em minha vida as quais eu amava e que me amavam estavam todas comentando as mudanças positivas na minha personalidade e eu notava que todos eles estavam passando mais tempo comigo, eles pareciam estar mais relaxados na minha presença e nós todos começamos conhecer a mim e uns aos outros de verdade.

No entanto, o problema que ainda persiste é que eu tenho 26 anos e nenhum trabalho ou qualificação decente e estou preso na “armadilha do benefício por invalidez”. Basicamente, eu não consigo um trabalho que me pague o suficiente para que eu viva no mesmo patamar em que estou uma vez que eu perca meu benefício e eu não tenho a menor ideia de como sair disso. Ainda por cima, eu estou há 5 anos sem trabalho devido aos meus problemas psicológicos e oficialmente eu sou “não apto ao trabalho”. Eu empurro esses pensamentos para o fundo da minha mente e tento aproveitar ao máximo a vida como ela é.

Aproximadamente um mês depois nós decidimos fazer mais uma aventura Cyanescens e, esperando a mesma euforia das viagens recentes, eu mergulho sem hesitação com a crença de que eu havia aprendido todas as lições a serem apendidas e, conforme os fractais geométricos se transformavam em alucinações sólidas me aparece um foco de luz vindo de cima e no centro dessa luz eu estou sentado, com as pernas e braços cruzados olhando para meu colo e na beira do círculo há vagas sombras de pessoas em pé ao meu redor no perímetro da luz em um círculo completo e duas vozes podem ser escutadas. Uma das vozes é de uma criança, que eu rapidamente reconheço ser eu mesmo com aproximadamente 8 anos, e a minha voz como adulto, mas o tom da minha voz é tranquila e quase benevolente e me dando a impressão de grande sabedoria. As duas vozes estão discutindo a situação atual de minha vida, o quão pouco eu conquistei e do que eu sou capaz (eu acredito hoje que a minha voz benevolente e sábia é a pessoa a qual eu acreditava que me tornaria quando eu tinha 8 anos). O Eu com 8 anos não está contente e dá um passo para dentro do círculo, ali em pé com extrema confiança e a luz muda de um círculo para um canto e eu estou sentado na mesma posição, enquanto o Eu com 8 anos me fecha no canto e diz:

“E então, é isso? Isso é tudo que você consegue para nós na vida? O que aconteceu com o “ser o melhor”, os grandes sonhos e promessas que você me fez quando você era eu? O que aconteceu com o “ter um ótimo emprego e conseguir dinheiro o suficiente para poder cuidar de toda a família para que não sejamos mais pobres? Você nunca sequer cumpriu a promessa de levar a mamãe para o alto do morro em sua moto... você sequer tem uma licença para moto!!!”

O Eu com 8 anos foi para trás, sem sair do foco de luz, e riu de mim. A conversa começou novamente entre a minha voz benevolente e o eu com 8 anos e ambos decidiram que como eu não tinha mais o obstáculo dos distúrbios de personalidade eu não tinha mais razão para estar naquela situação, sem emprego e sem prospectos, e eles resolveram decidir por mim que deveria ser feito para resolver esse problema. Eles decidiram que eu deveria voltar aos estudos e conseguir qualificações em computação, provando que eu não tinha mais problemas mentais tornando-me oficialmente apto ao trabalho. Eles também decidiram que eu não deveria mais fumar tabaco e ambos riram do fato de eu sequer ter começado a fumar, um lembrando o outro de como eu costumava desenhar placas de “proibido fumar” no meu quarto e de que eu não deixava ninguém entrar fumando nele. As risadas foram diminuindo e eu entrei novamente na “sopa de felicidade” e o que eu senti como se fossem meses foram apenas 20 minutos e eu ainda estava nolinda e tranquilamente no auge da viagem.
Parte VI - Final:

Durante as semanas seguintes eu refleti sobre isso, conversei com meu irmão e nós dois rimos sobre a loucura dos cogumelos e do cérebro humano e se isso teria alguma revelação real na nossa vida, se a mudanças eram permanentes ou apenas imaginadas, meu irmão não tendo nenhum transtorno mental frequentemente se dissolvia na alegria da sopa psicodélica (espero que ele um dia escreva um relato e explique sua interpretação da sopa psicodélica e a variedade de formas como ele “nasceu” lá dentro enquanto seu ego era dissolvido).

Aproximadamente um mês depois dessa viagem resolvemos viajar de novo, no momento em que os fractais formaram a alucinação sólida eu me deparo com o meu Eu com 8 anos me perguntando o que eu havia feito para implementar as mudanças as quais havíamos combinado em relação à minha aptidão ao emprego. Eu não havia feito nada e eu sabia que não poderia mentir para ele então eu admiti, envergonhado, que eu não havia feito nada e ele me garantiu que enquanto eu não fizesse nada ele continuaria me atormentando cada vez que eu usasse psicodélicos em vez de me deixar ir para a sopa psicodélica. Eu prometi a ele que se ele me deixasse em paz e me deixasse aproveitar viagem que no dia seguinte eu procuraria o Escritório de Benefícios ao Descapacitado para ver que tipo de ajuda eles tinham para que pessoas em minha situação voltassem ao mercado de trabalho. Ele ficou satisfeito com a promessa e me autorizou acesso à euforia livre de ego da sopa psicodélica e toda a felicidade nela contida, mas me avisou que se eu não cumprisse a promessa ele seria muito pior na próxima vez.

No dia seguinte eu estava analisando minha experiência com o meu porteiro de 8 anos, parcialmente me sentindo como se o meu subconsciente estivesse determinado a me torturar e devido ao meu desejo de não ter minhas experiências psicodélicas arruinadas dessa forma eu fui ao Escritório de Benefícios ao Descapacitado. Eles estavam encantados com o meu entusiasmo e antes de sair do escritório eu estava inscrito para ir à faculdade e viver no campus por um ano por 8 horas por dia, 5 dias por semana como um estudante adulto com apenas uma matéria para em tornar um técnico de PCs da Cisco. A propósito, eu nunca fumei tabaco novamente, enquanto que na faculdade eu consegui estudar à noite e conseguir níveis 1, 2 e 3 no NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications, uma espécie de certificado de qualificação para o trabalho) em inglês e matemática para reparar o meu fraco GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education, certificado de conclusão do ensino médio). Desde que eu saí da faculdade eu trabalhei para a Campanha Contra o Câncer de Mama, Friends of the Earth, BNS Telecom, British Airways, T-Mobile e eu atualmente trabalho uma das maiores empresas da grã Bretanha e a única pessoa com que eu me irrito às vezes é comigo mesmo, quando eu me vejo fazendo coisas que fariam com o meu Eu com 8 anos me desse um chute na bunda, pois eu sei que na vida real ele não aparecerá de repente nas minhas realidades alternativas para me educar.

Hoje me dia as minhas viagens são somente felicidade psicodélica e se meu consciente deixa de aprender alguma lição na vida, eu sempre a revejo na minha próxima viagem antes do prazer e do conforto do auge da viagem.

Eu escutei muitas vezes e li tantas outras de que se deve evitar experiências psicodélicas quando se está em situações difíceis e como as pessoas que estão lendo este texto devem imaginar, eu não sigo essa crença e cada vez que eu tenho uma dificuldade com a qual eu não consigo lidar em estado consciente eu levo o problema para um profundo estado psicodélico para uma perspectiva diferente.

Ano da Exp: 2003 ExpID: 88538
Sexo: Masculino
Idade no momento da experiência: 27
Publicado em: 29 de Junho 2011

Era isso pessoal, consegui finalmente terminar.

Meu propósito em compartir esse relato não é o de encorajar ninguém a tomar psicodélicos quando se está em situações difíceis na vida, mas sim como substâncias como a psilocibina e tantas outras podem proporcionar uma análise interna profunda e auxiliar pessoas a se livrarem de bloqueios e traumas que podem afetar suas vidas.

Eu sou daqueles que acredita que não é porque uma experiência não foi agradável que ela foi ruim, bem pelo contrário. Na maioria das vezes a gente aprende é na base da porrada mesmo e quando ingerimos essas substâncias devemos estar preparados a assimilar o que elas tema nos mostrar.

Independente do seu modo de ver se é espiritual ou não, se a substancia é uma entidade ou professor em si ou não não vem ao caso, as elas definitivamente agem de forma a abrir algumas portas, algumas que talvez jamais possam ser fechadas, e devemos estar preparados para ver e lidar com o que há por trás delas.

Muito bonito o relato e conta exatamente o que eu procuro.

Me imagino conseguindo criar um "labirinto" na minha mente, andar por ele, abrir portas do meu subconsciente e ser capaz de me curar, interagindo com a minha mente, curando meu cérebro.
Muito bom @Faceiro, li esse texto e me também me remeti a algumas situações da minha vida.. Muito bom, vale a pena a reflexão.
Pessoal, li esse relato e achei muito interessante para repassar aos que, como eu, buscam autoconhecimento, através e cogumelos.

Está em inglês, se eu tiver tempo tentarei traduzir, mas achei o relato muito bom, é meio longo, mas vale a pena ler.

a fonte é o site do Erowid : https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=88538

DOSE: 10 g oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (fresh)


Psilocybin Psychotherapy

When thinking back it is hard to place exactly where my recreational use of Psilocybin-containing fungi became less recreation and more deep personal psychotherapy, it was more a pattern that emerged over repeated use and my determination to enjoy the experiences regardless of the hard times I was having just before peaking.

First I feel I must give you a mental image of the scenarios we were consuming the fungi, we being me and my brother Michael. In recreational settings like the countryside in daylight I never experienced any difficulties, the 'trips' were very psychedelic and filled with a love of life and the planet that gave us this life, returning with profound realisations on the Universe and our place in it as tiny as it is. The problems came in settings which promoted internalisation, retrospective reflection and internal analysis as part of the trip, we stumbled upon these as we attempted to reach the spiritual states of consciousness we had both read about from authors like the McKenna brothers.

We did not want to follow Shamanic rituals of old as they had all been polluted when the practitioners attempted to conform as Christianity tried to purge the planet of all other religions especially those involving sacrements which helped them contact God or enter a spirit world.

We already knew that under the influence of Psilocin visual patterns could be seen on the mind's eye when we closed our eyes and relaxed, we wanted to see if these visuals could overwhelm the visual cortex with eyes open. After many different attempts changing dosage and settings we realised this was easily achieved by setting the trips in absolute darkness so that we could not tell a difference between eyes open or shut, the results were mind blowing and the visuals became projected and external often making us reach out to touch them. They would always start as geometric revolving, ultra evolving patterns of ever increasing complexity and after about 20 minutes peaking in absolute darkness the patterns became solid, fully formed hallucinations created from the stored imagery in our subconcious minds. If we hallucinated a field of grass this was made up from a selection of every blade of grass we had ever seen in life if it needed be.

Approximately forty minutes after consuming anywhere above 10 grams of fresh Psilocybe cyanescens (one of the most potent species according to Stamets and Wasson) in absolute darkness is where my difficulties were occurring, these manifested themselves in me being forced to relive traumatic experiences and episodes of my life in graphic first, second and third person detail, by this I mean I was forced to relive these episode from the perspective of everyone involved regardless of whether or not I wanted to. many times I tried to resist and avoid reliving these experiences as I believed I had survived them as best as anyone could and did not want to revisit any of them. So time and time again each trip the first hour I suffered these trips down memory lane and until I submitted to the recall I was not allowed any of the euphoria and enjoyment parts of the trip, it was starting to put me off psychedelics as I felt I needed to build up the mental energy to go through a traumatic part of my past before getting any fun and enlightenment.

During this time in my life (25) I was a very angry person with a lot of hostility towards a society I felt had neglected me and persecuted me for the person it had made me become, I had a lot of resentment and was diagnosed as Agoraphobic with misanthropic tendancies, I had no job and was on incapacity benefits due to my mental condition after being stabbed in the stomach a few years earlier in an argument over £5. I was a typical example of the type of person recommended to avoid psychedelic use but I had been using psychedelics recreationally since I took my first LSD blotter on my 14th birthday, this trip was done alone due to my friends buying pieces of ordinary paper with something drawn on it, mine was a full blown experience of a 'Double Dipped Purple Ohm' or at least that was the sales patter. Whether it was double dipped or not made no difference, I submerged into the one consciousness eventually dropping into a deep sleep and then attending school the next day as if nothing had happened, anyway I have completely digressed but this was the absolute start of my psychedelic journey which is far from over now aged 35.

Back to the psychotherapy tripping, by now I realised I had issues and there was no hope of affording regular psychotherapy so I decided instead of trying to avoid and resist the analysis of my previous traumas that I should give in to the visions and see if I can see why these events from my life were causing me such problems, this was not out of a desire to have a healthy mind but just one healthy enough to stop spoiling my psychedelic experiences.

We set the scene of a darkened room in comfort and consumed 10 grams of Cyanescens each, the fungi as usual started having an effect within 20 minutes and 20 minutes after that the geometrics patterns started to evolve, as they formed into solid hallucinations I was presented with what at first I thought was a landscape of rolling hills and I was flying above this at a very low altitude, the landscape was made up of a metalic grey network of rope like fibers and every now and then I could see what looked like clear glass dome structures or bubbles on the surface, these glowed gently. As I passed these glowing bubbles which were sometimes in groups I would then come to what in the distance looked like fires and as they entered to the foreground they were similar to the glowing bubbles but emblazened in colours representative of danger and gave me an overwhealming sense of fear and dread as I came closer to them, at first I quickly tried to avoid these angry looking bubbles and was almost successful but avoiding one of them I was drawn into what felt like the gravitational field of another one of these angry bubbles, there was a blinding nano-flash of immense white light and the landscape was gone.

The light faded and I was in a memory of my own from the age of around 9 years old, this memory was as vivid as any movie I have ever watched being played out on my minds eye in the absolute darkness which we had set the trip. The memory was not a good one. As perspectives go in this situation I was like a floating camera in the room and my mother was getting ready for a night out, we were going to be babysat by my sisters father, he was not happy about this and was getting hostile and aggressive towards my mother and us. Me and my brother are sitting on the sofa trying to watch tv hoping things were'nt going to kick off but we had already given each other several knowing looks, my sister is getting dressed in her night clothes for bed by her father whilst he is arguing with my mother. As he got angrier he started aggressively dressing my sister and roughly handling her and she started to cry, my mother as any mother would seeing her child being abused attacked him grabbing him by the hair screaming 'you fucking bastard hurt my bairn ....' and hitting him with everything she had, I grabbed my sister and me, Michael and Diane cuddled together to protect each other on the other side of the room as my mother lost the upper hand in the fight and it again turned into the now familiar scene of him beating her viciously, someone somewhere must have heard this happening again and called the police who dragged him out of the house and arrested him.

The view blurs into a nothingness then back in now situated in my bedroom and me and my brother are lying in our beds asleep, there is a series of loud bangs waking us up it is my sisters father he has been let out by the police and is forcing entry into the house by smashing in the front door, the fear and terror is at maximum levels I am again 9 years old and helpless worried he is going to kill us all, again a blinding nano-flash of unbearable white light and I am back in the grey rolling landscape this time without control and below me in the fiery bubble of the memory I had just relived, the colours and intensity of it are fading and the bubble itself melts into the landscape and can not be seen, nearby there are several of the glowing bubbles and I am instantly drawn like gravity into the nearest one. In this bubble it is me who is the agressor dominating the school playground reinforcing my status as hardest in the school by starting fights with anyone who thought they should have that status and anyone I thought might present a threat to my status.

Realisation washed over me like a bucket of cold water over my head that my anger and agression was born out of the helplessness I had felt in the numerous occasions over the 5 years at the hands of my sisters father the aggresor at home. Again the nano-flash and what felt like hours was flicking past which in reality were in minutes each time entering different glowing bubbles on the landscape, each one I am older and older reinforcing the lesson with example after example of where my aggression and hostility had stopped me getting the most out of a situation, this continues until I am in memories from just a few days earlier when I was being aggressive to others, each time I am experiencing my own aggression from the victims perspective, one of them even being my brother Michael, his perspective felt from everytime in our lives flash remembered in a flick of a second, the continued upset of how all he wanted was for us to be good brothers and not be afraid of me loosing it, I'm also forming thoughts if I had been that victim probably very similar to what they actually did about me at the time.

This trip altho quite traumatic in itself was the start of the good path, in post analysis I realised the grey landscape was my subconcious brain and the further I travelled through it, the further back in my memory I was going, the visual effect was very simlilar to a helicopter flying low over a terrain of rolling hills and fields but soundless apart from a constant background low resonance hum common to me in large psilocybin doses, the fiery coloured bubbles were traumatic episodes in which I had carried a chip or picked up a mental complex from and to this day they were effecting my life and anyone in it, the glowing bubbles were events where I had missed valuable life lessons which would have done me good due to the warped defensive perspectives I had formulated from the bad times.

Over the next couple of weeks I analysed the experience almost continuously especially noticing that I did not feel the need to agressively dominate any social situation I was a part of plus the resulting internal peace I was feeling from letting this anger go and realising through my entire life as a defensive measure I was making sure I was the aggressive one who people should fear, could I have really solved a major part of my personality disorder by eating too many fungi, it felt like I had and I wanted to believe but I was sceptical and wondered if it would last and if at all even real. Maybe I'd imagined I was free from my anger and fear from controlling me.

I was keen for my next experience this time eager to revisit the grey landscape and its memory bubbles and the lessons contained within each one, over the next 6 months we were tripping at least every 2 weeks, we always still to this day keep several weeks between trips for reflection and appreciation of the previous experience. Each time I was returning with profound self awareness and revelations, each trip I would relive a at least one fiery bubble memories and the related glowing bubbles before being allowed access into what we started to call 'The Psychedelic Soup of All Knowledge' simply the blissfull period when you are comfortable peaking on a 'good trip'. This continued for me almost every 2 weeks each time we tripped to the point where I no longer got to visit the grey landscape and was instead presented with a psychedelic soup of sheer bliss and contentment, occasionally I went straight to the Psy-soup and in retrospect I realise these were times when I was still absorbing the knowledge from the previous session.

After about 6 months of this my personality disorders were non apparant and the people in my life I love and who loved me all were remarking on the changes for the better in my personality and I noticed that all of them were spending more time around me, they seemed more relaxed in my presence and we all started to get to know me and each other properly.

Now then the problem still exists that I am 26 with no job or decent qualifications and in the 'incapacity benefits trap' basically I can not get a job that pays enough to have me in the same situation I am in financially once the benefits are removed and I have no idea of how to get myself out of it, on top of this I have been out of work for over 5 years due to major psychological problems and on paper I look unemployable, I push these thoughts to the back of my mind and try to make the most of life for what it is.

It is about a month after this and we decide to have another Cyanescens adventure and expecting the psychedelic euphoria of recent trips I dive in without hesitation in the belief that i had learnt all the lessons to learn, as the fractal geometrics formed into solid hallucinations I am presented with a spotlight circle shone from above and in the centre of this light I am sitting legs crossed and arms folded looking down into my lap, at the edges of the spotlight range there are the vague shapes of people standing around me at the light perimeter in a complete circle and 2 voices can be heard. One of the voices is a child who I soon recognise to be myself around 8 years old and the other voice is my adult self but the tone of my voice is relaxed, almost benevolent and giving an impression of great wisdom, the 2 voices of my child self and my benevolent adult self are discussing my current situation in life, what little I have achieved and what I am capable of (I believe now the benevolent wise version of my voice is the person I thought I would grow up to be when I was 8). My 8 year old self is not happy and steps into the circle of light standing very confidently bold as brass, the light changes from a circle to a corner and I am sitting in same position in that corner and the 8 year old me has me boxed in, he said

'So then is this it? Is this all you are getting for us from life? What happened to being the best, the big dreams and promises you made when you were me? What happened to getting a great job and having enough money to look after all the family so we are not as poor? You never even kept your promise to drive your nanna up the big hill on your motorbike, you havent even got a motor bike licence!!!'

The 8 year old me moved backwards without walking out of the light laughing at me. The conversation took up again between the benevolent adult voice of me and the 8 year old me, they decided that as I no longer had the obstacles of the personality disorder I had no reason to still be in this situation all jobless with no prospects and they proceded to decide for me what must be done to solve it. They decided I had to go back to school and get computer qualifications proving I was no longer the mental defective and making myself look employable on paper. My 8 year old me and the benevolent adult voice of me also decided that I should not smoke tobacco as it was going to kill me being an asthmatic, they both laughed together at the fact I even started smoking in the first place reminding each other of the no smoking signs I drew for my bedroom wall and when I would not let anyone in my room who was smoking, the laughing faded and I entered the psychedelic soup again in sheer bliss, what felt like months had actually been about 20 minutes of the trip and I was still peaking beautifully.

Over the next couple of weeks I reflected on this, talked about it with my brother and we both laughed about the madness of the magic mushroom and the human brain and whether any of this had any real baring on us and if the changes were permanent or just imagined, my brother not being a metal defective had been regularly dissolved into the bliss of the psychedelic soup, hopefully he will write up a trip report sometime and explain fully his interpretation of pyschedelic soup and the variety of ways he has birthed into it as his ego dissolved.

About a month after this trip we decided to trip again, the instant the fractals formed into solid hallucinations I was presented with my 8 year old self asking me what I had done to impliment the changes we had agreed on regarding my employability, as I had done nothing I knew I could not lie to him so shamefully admitted I had done nothing, he promised me then that as long as I done nothing he would continue to torment me every time I used psychedelics instead of letting me enter the psychedelic soup. I promised if he left me alone there and then to enjoy the trip that the day after the trip I would go to the Incapacity Benefits Office and see about what help they had for getting people in my situation back into work, the 8 year old me was satisfied with this promise and allowed me access to the psychedelic ego free euphoria of the soup and all the bliss it contains but warned me if I did not keep this promise he would be much worse next time.

The next day I was analysing the experience with the 8 year old gate keeper partially feeling like my subconcious was determined to torture me and out of sheer desire not to have my psychedelic experiences ruined in this way I went to the Incapacity Benefits Office, they were delighted at my enthusiasm and before I left the office I was signed up to go to college and live on campus for a year for 8 hrs per day 5 days a week as a mature student with just 1 subject learning to be a Cisco PC Tech, just for clarification I have never smoked tobacco again, whilst at college on night times I was able to study and get NVQ level 1,2 +3 in English and Maths to repair my neglected GCSE results. Since leaving college I have worked for The Breast Cancer Campaign, Friends of the Earth, BNS Telecom, British Airways, T-Mobile and currently I am with one of Britains top companies and the only person I occasionally get angry with is myself at specific times when I know I am doing something the 8 year old me would be kicking my arse about, I figure if I do it in reality he won't gatecrash my alternate realities to educate me.

These days my trips are sheer psychedelic bliss and every now and then if my conscious mind misses a life lesson from the experiences in my reality I always catch the missed lesson in the next psychedelic episode delivered always before the pleasure and comfort of the peak.

I have heard it said many times and read it even more that if you are having difficult times in your life you should avoid the psychedelic experience as anyone who reads this will understand I don't follow that belief and any time I am in a situation I cannot solve in a conscious state I take the problem into a heavy psychedelic state for an alternate perspective.

Exp Year: 2003 ExpID: 88538
Gender: Male
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 29, 2011 Views: 14,506
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