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NovaTEK- " Bullk Encaixotado" by Buckaroobanzai


O tal do mortan
Cultivador confiável
Mauá - ABC - SP
Texto original extraido da seguinte thread: B+ bulk in a box (mondo low tech), criada e editada por BUCKAROOBANZAI um dos moderadores do mycotopia forums, sob permissão do próprio.
Thread original (ativa)

ae está um trabalho pros tradutores do forum!

original text extracted from thread -

B+ bulk in a box (mondo low tech)
Bulk substrates are damned fun to play with!!!

This is a transparent vertical file holding box (from Wal Mart - $5ish) with the bottom 5-6 inches light shielded with aluminum foil and duct tape. Inside is 8 cups of Popcorn spawned to 12 cups of bulk substrate . incubation was at room temperature in big cardboard box (in the dark).

After fully colonized, the tub was exposed to indirect sunlight and fanned twice per day (morning and evening). NO direct sunlight!

This is the tub, 12 days later…

Four days later (almost ready to print):

And here it is stupid high res and just pretty as hell (remember, each of those has a stem 4-6 inches long):

The only down side is that all those monsters were deeply rooted in the substrate . As a result, the mycelial mat was badly damaged during harvest. A second flush would be cool, but it isn’t really expected….

The up side is that harvest was well in excess of a pound (wet), so a second flush would just be gravy anyway!

textos explicativos adicionais:

(todos por buckaroobanzai na thread original )
  1. Bulk substrate mix was 40/40/20 coir/castings/poly. Hydrated with EarthJuice, to make things more complicated.
continuando :

The second flush went a little long and turned the top of the substrate "spore print purple," so it was flipped over and 10 days later it spat out this:

Later flushes can make for some real monsters! Check this cluster (this dude has big hands, by the way):

The caps in this flush were really beautiful and totally photogenic. Here is the prettiest one in two different lighting schemes to accentuate it's different features:

And finally, three beautiful caps. Same strain , same substrate , same flush (even the same cluster)...variety is the spice of life!!!

You can do some VERY cool things with a hand fanned plastic box and a little worm poo!!!
Última edição por um moderador:

I am BuckarooBanzai from Mycotopia. I met Mortandello over there. He is a good guy!

I do not speak Portuguese, but I would be glad to try and answer any question that I can understand!
fell free to speak at your own language in any topic, and request translation of any thread or answer any time, we will do the best to keep foregin users well understanded.AH!
(in brazilian words be VERY welcome!):pos::pos:
Very nice to see foreign people entering here. I think the first thing they'll see here is that we don't have any kind of Mason or Ball jars easy to find in boxes of twelve.

Keep posting :)

Bulk de B+ em uma caixa (mondo low tech)

Substratos bulk são extremamente divertidos para brincar !!!

Está é uma caixa arquivo vertical transaparente (por volta de 10 reais em mercados) com o fundo de 5 a 6 polegadas (12.7 a 15.24 centímetros) revestida com papel alumínio e silver tape (ou fita isolante). Dentro, 8 copos de milho misturados com 12 copos de substrato bulk. A incubação foi feita à temperatura ambiente, no escuro numa caixa de papelão grande.

Depois de totalmente colonizada, a caixa foi exposta à luz solar indireta e abanada 2 vezes ao dia (de manhã e à noite). NADA DE LUZ SOLAR DIRETA!


Essa é a caixa depois de 12 dias:



4 dias depois (quase pronta para tirar prints):


E aqui numa resolução ignorante e maravilhosos (lembre-se que cada um deles tem um estame com 10.2 a 15.24 centímetros de comprimento):


O único lado ruim é que todos esses monstros estavam profundamente enraizados no substrato, resultando num dano grande na rede micelial durante a colheita. Um segundo flush seria muito bem vindo, mas não é realmente esperado.

O lado bom é que a colheita me gerou quase meio quilo de cogumelos frescos, então, um segundo flush seria supérfluo.

1. A mistura do substrato bulk foi 40% fibra de coco, 40% húmus e 20%. Hidratado com EarthJuice (fertilizante líquido orgânico), para deixar tudo mais complicado.


O segundo flush demorou um pouco e deixou o topo do substrato roxo da cor de esporos, então, ele foi virado e depois de 10 dias, deu isso:


Flushes tardios podem criar verdadeiros monstros ! Olhem esse grupo (esse cara tem mão grandes, só pra informar):


Os chapéus nesse fush saíram realmente bonitos e fotogênicos. Aqui, o maiss bonito em duas iluminações diferentes pra acentuar as suas características diferenciadas:



E, finalmente, 3 lindos chapéus. Mesma strain, mesmo flush, até o mesmo grupo... variedade é o tempero da vida !


Você pode faazer algumas coisas bem legais com uma caixa plástica abanada à mão e um pouco de cocô de minhoca !
thank you OCOISADIFICIL for translating the text!

Another great tech from our brothers of Mycotopia

Thanks Buckaroo for sharing with us a bit of your wisdom!

I hope that the news keep comming!

Valeu OCOISA pela traduçao!

Mais uma tecnica compartilhada com o pessoal do Mycotopia

Valeu Buckaroo por compartilhar com a gente uma centelha de seus conhecimentos!

Tomara que a troca de conhecimentos continue!
Thanks for the welcome!
Agradecimentos para a boa vinda!

Thanks for the translation!
Valeu Ocoisadifici pela traduçao!

Eu estou usando um programa do tradutor assim que desculpe meu português!

Shroower - you do not need the Mason/Ball jars for this Tek or my Bulk Nugget Tek. Both Teks use spawn bags or you could even use oven bags!

Shroower - você não necessita os frascos de Mason/Ball para este Tek ou minha pepita maioria Tek. os sacos ou você do spawn do uso de Teks podiam mesmo usar sacos do forno!

Quanto o programa do tradutor suga? Eu não posso dizer!
(the link to hear are in the top middle of the screen ,its written: Ouça agora )

the link is in the top/right - ouça ao vivo

well as the russian forum people said, it´s better for you to write on your own language, and it´s better if sommeone really good at english translate it than
if you use the translator.
Translator - I thought it would look stupid!!!

Did it look really stupid?

Cool links! Portuguese has a lot of Italian and Spanish sounds. Maybe a little French. I like your language, man. It has a a really cool rhythm.
Be wellcome here dude! Feel free to talk in english OK. After all we will get everything translated for the others.
Nice bulk!:pos:
Big shrooms!:eek:
Im just a beginner here. LEARNING A LOT!
thank you.
Thank you for the kind welcome!

Those were very nice shrooms and good producers. Over 300 grams dried from one box! B+ is a really good strain.

Just remember that grow was from an isolate. Multispore would not be quite as good.

If I can answer any questions for you, just ask!
I LOVE the really big mushrooms! They are my favorite.

Here are some more big shrooms you might like. On Mycotopia, we call them "bigguns" or "boomers" when they are really large.

What do you call the big mushrooms in Brazil?

Here are three pictures of the biggest one my friend has ever grown (1 mushroom = 67 grams!):
biggun w lighter.jpgBig Offering.jpg67 gm - 1 shroom.jpg


Here is the best group/cluster my friend has grown (four mushrooms = 159 grams!):
159 gm - 4 shrooms.jpg

I think worm castings are very good for bulk substrate. My friend lives in the city and gets his poo through the mail!!!

What bulk substrates are common in Brazil?

Sorry for all the questions!
we are not too used to do bullks! we just started experiments with cow dung, coco coir.never thaught of using worm castings in bullks. HUMUS is the same that worm castings? i dont know if it´s the same thing.
Nice big shrooms... in portugueses they should be calledd by COGUZÃO or COGUMELÃO.
Hello buckybanzai,
How did you do this bulk substrate:?: Can you explain us the details:?: what about the esterelization process:?:
sorry my ignorance. But I dream with this plate full of bigguns.;)
Cow/horse manure (dung) works - but it must be old. Dung must be composted (aged).

Fresh manure/dung is bad.

It should smell like soil, not urine. Manure from the store (in a bag) usually has too much urine. It must be "leeched" or rinsed completely with water until all the urine/ammonia smell is gone.

Also, dung/manure should be Pasteurized - not sterilized. Sterilized dung will contaminate very quickly, just like straw.

I like worm castings better than manure/dung. You can sterilize castings and they still work very well.

Humus usually means composted leaves/bark and other things. If the Humus is rich and dark (almost black) and smells like fresh earth, it will work. Real castings or dung would work better, though.

COGUZAO and COGUMELAO. Thanks! I will remember that! Now I just have to figure out how to pronounce an A with a tilde!

My friend does worm castings like this:

1> Weigh out a small amount of castings (about 10-15 grams) and mix with a very small amount of hot water (1-3mL). Use a syringe to measure the water. Hot water works best.

2> Grab the castings and squeeze hard with your fist. When about 3-4 drops of water come out, the hydration is right. More than 6 drops or less than 2 will not work as well.

When substrate drips 3-4 drops of water after a hard squeeze, we call it "field capacity," as in: "The worm castings were then wetted to field capacity with tap water." Field Capacity is the perfect moisture level for substrate (except for cakes; cakes are drier and should not drip at all when squeezed).

3> Once you determine exactly how much water to add, use math and "enlarge" the process. If 10gm of castings wanted 2.5mL of water, then 100gm of castings will want 25mL of water, etc. It is good to mix in less water than you think is right. It is easy to add water but hard to remove it!

4> With castings it is important to stir very thoroughly (my friend likes to use a big fork) and add the water slowly. If the castings turn to mud, they will not work. The castings must be fluffy. Hot water seems to work better than cold water for wetting castings.

5> Use the same process to figure out how much water my coir will need. Then mix up an equal amount of coir to the castings.

6> My friend uses polyacrylamide as a water reservoir, but moist vermiculite will also work, if poly is hard to find.

7> Mix up 40:40:20 (castings:coir:poly) measured by weight. Then sterilize in the pressure cooker for 1hr 30min @ 15psi.

8> Once the bulk substrate cools, it is spread into the container and mixed with spawn. My friend likes popcorn for spawn. My friend will always spawn at a 1:3 (spawn to bulk) ratio. You can use less spawn, but more is faster and safer.

9> In the dark at room temp (72F-76F), the bulk substrate is left to colonize. It has a loose fitting lid for air exchange and is completely shielded from light. DON'T USE A TIGHT LID - IT WILL CONTAMINATE. The substrate is checked every day for odd smells (bacteria) or cobweb mold. If bacteria, it gets more air exchange. Any cobweb gets misted with weak hydrogen peroxide and more fresh air exchange. Fresh air is critical with bulk substrate.

10> It is then exposed to sunlight (NOT DIRECT SUNLIGHT) and given fresh air twice per day. Fan the container very thorouly. More fresh air will mean better production.

11> About 10 days later you have COGUMELAO!!

Bulk substrate is really easy to do and makes many more mushrooms than cakes.

If I can help with anything else, just ask!