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Artigo O Uso de Cogumelos Magicos em Cultos Religiosos no Egito Antigo

Stephen R. Berlant, The entheomycological origin of Egyptian crowns and the esoteric underpinnings of Egyptian religion, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume ...102, Issue 2, 14 November 2005, Pages 275-288, ISSN 0378-8741, DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2005.07.028.

In this paper, I theorize that the Egyptian White and Triple Crowns were originally primordia of the entheogenic Psilocybe (Stropharia) cubensis,
which an Egyptian tale known as Cheops and the Magicians allegorically explained grew on barley, and that Osiris was the God of spiritual rebirth
because he personified this and other entheogenic mushrooms. I go on to theorize that the plant known commonly as the Eye of Horus, which the
Egyptians included in cakes and ales designed to spiritually rebirth the living and the dead, was an entheogenic mushroom cap entirely analogous,
if not identical, to Soma. Finally, I explain why so many scholars failed to discern these identities and relationships for so long.
© 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Egypt; Ethnobotany; Agaricales; Amanita muscaria; Psilocybine; History

Para os místicos, um artigo científico da área de etnomicologia em que o autor associa o cogumelo Psilocybe Cubensis aos rituais esotéricos praticados no Egito antigo, no tempo dos faraós.
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