
Aqui discutimos micologia amadora e enteogenia.

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Laboratório De Fungos

Eu pesquisei bastante, eles germinam bem em petri (me lembro de visto isso num controle de uma artigo sobre relações simbióticas amanitaxpinus)

Segundo esse resumo não germinam tão bem assim, pelo menos não em qualquer meio:

Basidiospores from five randomly selected species of mycorrhiza-forming Hymenomycetes, viz. Laccaria laccata, Amanita muscaria, Lactarius helvus, Paxillus involutus, and Leccinum scabrum, did not germinate on any agar media tested (except for very few and irregular germinations in A. muscaria), nor did an addition of activated charcoal or a living Rhodotorula glutinis colony induce spore germination. However, with these two supplements together on the same agar plate slight germination occurred in all five species. In P. involutus percentage germination was further increased by a volatile factor produced by the mycelium of P. involutus. In L. scabrum a non-volatile substance exuded from its own mycelium strongly promoted germ vesicle and germ tube formation in the presence of activated charcoal. In both of these mycelial germination-inducing factors a certain specificity was indicated.

"Despite the occurrence of up to fifty per million 'spontaneous' germinations on the unsupplemented agar plates it was quite obvious that an increased rate of germination was obtained on the plates with Rhodotorula in combination with charcoal (Fig. 1). It is possible that the presence of living mycelium of A. muscaria further improved germination, but the considerable variation in germination rate even among the plates belonging to the same series made a
conclusion uncertain."

Houve germinação, porem foi baixa, de qualquer forma é valida a tentativa, uma vez que é aparentemente inviável eu obter amanitas secos sem ser pelos sites (os quais a ambrosia se torna inviável pela secagem agressiva)


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