Ja que o tupy tem preguica de usar o google eu usei pra ele e ae esta o resultado:
The Truth About Different Types of Cubes:
Most cubes look alike.
All cubes grow in the same conditions.
The differences between cube races, varieties or 'Strains' are, more often than not, minute.
Some races are known for fast colonization, or large fruits... even high potency.
BUT... these 'Facts' are often just vendor hype.
Your results will most likely vary.
The Truth About Cube Potency:
If you want something that is very potent, you should probably try a different species and avoid cubes all together... either that, or eat more cubes. Agar will potentially allow you to select a more potent sub-strain. A few cube races and varieties are reported as being more potent than others... but there is no scientific evidence to strengthen the potency argument. Everybody wants the answer to this question... but all we have is opinion. Most people agree there are differences in potency from one type of cubensis to another... but they seldom agree on which cube is the most (or least) potent.
The Truth About The Fastest Growing Cubes:
Some cube races and varieties are known to grow at a faster or slower rate, on average, than others. There is evidence which suggests the fastest cubensis races produce the smallest mushrooms and the slower races and varieties produce the most bulky fungus. Ultimately it all seems to even out in the end (with a few exceptions). Also, the slow cubes more frequently display unique macroscopic characteristics (in other words, they are more likely to look noticeably different from other races) while the fast ones usually look like average (or smaller than average) cubes. It tends to take more time to grow a large or unique cube. If you are looking for a cube which produces a LOT of quick bulk, you may be looking for a long time... and you'd better work with agar.
The Truth About Bulk:
Race, variety or 'Strain' has little to do with bulk. With some work, any viable cube print should produce good flushes. Good isolation on agar, and good fruiting conditions are the only proven ways to get consistently bulky flushes. There are no quick and easy solutions. If you want bulk, first you are going to need diligent patience.
The Truth About Selecting Your Spores:
The thing that distinguishes most races, varieties or 'strains' is where they originated and who collected the first specimen. If you are interested in Tasmania, try some Tasmanian spores. If you like the story of how SG30 was resurrected by Shdwstr, try SG30. If you think Penis Envy looks fun, try it. They are all cubes. Pick one that interests you, and see if you like working with it.
The Truth About Multispore vs. Strain Isolation:
Agar allows you to work specifically with your spores but it costs more money and takes much more time. However, proper agar work will give you consistency from one grow to the next.
Multispore inoculation is a turkey shoot. You never know what you are going to get. Mother nature is unpredictable. If you intend to use multispore, it is suggested you work with a classic and/or popular cube variety. Cubes that have been popular for 10 or more years tend to be popular for a reason, and their genetics have probably been limited (in a good way) by being selectively bred over and over again... generation after generation. You are more likely to see consistent results via multispore, if you use a proven race.
There are possible errors.. PM me if you wish a correction.
A Strain
The A Strain is a classic cube. It was originally marketed by Mr. G., "Creator" of the B+.
A Strain is well domesticated, and a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Albino A+ comes from a recent mutation of the A Strain.
Acadian Coast
According to Roadkill and Ralphster, the Acadian Coast Cube supposedly originated in Louisiana. While it has never been a popular cube, people who try it seem to enjoy it. There is little info here about the origins of this particular cube.
Albino A+
The Albino A+ is a unique cube.
According to Workman from www.sporeworks.com, the Albino A+ is a recent leucistic mutation of Mr. G's A Strain. This means it is not a true albino, just very pale, with almost white flesh. A true albino wouldn't have dark spores. A+ does. Albino A+ caps sometimes have a sharp nipple. Not a prolific fruiter, but better than most true albinos. Because of its dark spores, AA+ may be a good candidate for crossing with other cubes. If you are interested in albinos, but you want to print them easily, you may wish to look at Albino A+.
Allen Strain
According to Roadkill, the Allen Strain was discovered by Mushroom John Allen near Ban Tailing Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand. Roadkill domesticated the only wild print and named it after the man who discovered it. An ideal Allen Strain mushroom is reported (by Roadkill) to have an egg shaped cap just before the cap breaks from the stem and the fruits reach full maturity.
This cube comes from... surprise! Argentina. Unfortunately, there is not much info here about this particular cube.
Australia (a.k.a. Aussie)
Information about the origins or unique traits of the Aussie Cube have been hard to find. It may have been discovered by B.I.O. but these rumors are as of yet, unconfirmed.
Aussie cubes are known for (and nicknamed after) their golden or yellow coloration. They are commonly known as 'Gold Tops' in the Down Under.
Australia has plenty of cows and a good climate for cubes. It seems the Aussie is an average (If yellow-ish) looking cube.
The B+ origins have become a thing of legend. B+ is a classic cube and has been one of the most popular commercial cubes in history. It is very domesticated, and a good candidate, if you plan to use multispore.
Nobody knows exactly where the cube which became B+ came from.
Mr G... who, "Created" B+ swears it is a Psilocybe cubensis/azurescens hybrid... MOST people disagree with this statement... and chalk it up as a marketing ploy. Nobody has been able to prove the B+ is an Azure hybrid. It would be rather miraculous if Mr. G. succeeded. It is safe to say his claims are BEYOND belief.
There no evidence to suggest cubes and azures could be crossed in this way. Although, some people say the caps of B+ resemble the cap of an Azure... and there are a few reports suggesting B+ spores may share some Azure traits as well. This is likely just wishful thinking.
B+ is known for its LARGE fruits. You will likely need a well hydrated cake/casing/tub to get the most out of B+... otherwise the shrooms may not reach their full potential.
B+ can be SLOWER growing than many other brand name cubes (but like EVERY cube, your experience may vary). B+ has been commonly known as a good choice for BEGINNING cultivators. Many believe B+ is very forgiving and can grow in a wide range of temperatures and conditions.
To further the B+ mystery, for a time, Sporeworks accidentally sold a different strain (the prime suspect is PES Amazonian) under the B+ label. This mistake has since been corrected, but there may be several different 'strains' floating around the trade community under the name B+. This may explain why there is so much discrepancy in descriptions of B+ grows, including reports of hollow stems, varied colonization/growth times and fluctuations in potency.
Speaking of potency, there are a surprising amount of reports of "Dud" batches of B+ (ie: not very potent). While most people swear by the potency of B+, there are many who think it is rather tame (at least, occasionally). Don't worry too much about potency. B+ was recently voted the most popular cube so it must do something right.
Many say the B+ puts out good initial flushes, followed by smaller flushes of larger fruits.
Ban Hua Thanon (a.k.a. BHT)
According to Mushroom John Allen, aka mjshroomer:
"This is the original shroom from which all Koh Samui Ban Hua Thann shrooms orginated rom.
The first shroom I obtained three prints from. It was collected in the same field as the P. samuiensis. IT was then grown indoors in Europe and prints were obtained and sent to me.
And so I present these prints for your pleasure and enjoyment.
Here is a picture of the original mushroom involved."
Ban Nathon Dhupatamyia (a.k.a. BND)
Another Thai cube discovered by Mushroom John Allen.
The original mushroom was collected right next to the military base and along the road that goes up to the Tarnim magic gardens at 450 meters altitude. These were collected just above sea level, maybe 60 feet.
Ban Phang Ka (a.k.a. BPK)
Discovered in Thailand by Mushroom John Allen. Reports by Ralphster of large fruits.
Ban Thurian (a.k.a. BT)
Discovered in Thailand by Mushroom John Allen.
Big Mex
Supposedly, the Big Mex comes from Mexico and was brought to us by Mr. G, creator of the B+.
Blue Meanie Cube
One of Keeper's cubes, the Blue Meanie Cube has caused a great deal of confusion. Blue Meanie has long been the nickname for the pan (copelandia) cyan, another magic shroom which grows in similar conditions as cubes but is much more potent. By naming a cube after another type of shroom, it has lead to a great deal of confusion, particularly when it comes to dosage. This single name has caused dangerous confusion.
For more info, see the entry for Keeper Brand Cubes.
According to Roadkill, the Brazilian variety is, "A great strain, a must have."
Like most South American cubes, Brazilians are known for their large fruits and aggressive colonization.
Burma (a.k.a. Burmese Yangoon)
According to Workman, "Original specimen was collected from buffalo dung in an unplanted rice paddie outside the city of Yangoon, Burma. Original collection supplied via Mushroom John by way of a gift from a Thai student who spent time collecting mushroom samples around Yangoon (formaly Rangoon), Burma (now Myanmar)"
Cambodian (a.k.a. Cambo)
Cambos are classic cubes.
Rumors of Cambos potency and aggressive colonization abound. Cambos are quite popular among many cultivators.
According to Ryche Hawk from www.thehawkseye.com Cambos are, "A very nice and fast growing cubensis from Cambodia. This cubensis was originally picked by John Allen while in Cambodia filming some of the psilocybe mushrooms that grow naturally throughout a lot of the country."
According to Ralphster, this cube is, "Straight from the Chilean mountains".
The Colorado Cube is an enigma.
Rumors of cubes growing in the Rocky Mountain West are common. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to support these rumors. The stories of wild cubes in the Rocky Mountain West are likely stem from cultivators who use the story to disguise their grow op. Western cultivators may simply tell friends that they know how to find cubes in a cow pasture (especially FRESH cubes), instead of saying, "HEY! I GROW THESE MYSELF! I HAVE A COLLECTION OF PRINTS, SYRINGES AND JARS! I HAVE A MARTHA, AN ULTRASONIC AND A PC!!!!"
Ralphster from www.ralphstersspores.com swears he was told the spores came from Colorado, but it is extremely unlikely the person who gave Ralph the original spores was telling the whole story. Without a great deal of human intervention, cubes would struggle to grow outdoors in Colorado's cold and dry, high altitude climate. Due to long winters, the potential wild cube growing season in Colorado is very short. This warm season is often very dry and also, too hot for cubes. While not entirely impossible, Colorado's conditions are simply not optimal for cubes. Not even in a good year.
If the Colorado Cube really is from Colorado, it was likely gathered from a cultivator's well tended outdoor (or even indoor) patch... or a farm animal ate some shrooms in the Gulf Coast region and was quickly transported to Colorado where it pooped the spores out at the perfect time of the year for cube growth.
A true Colorado cube would likely show some interesting microscopic traits, for example a Colorado cube should have unusually large spores. The further a native cube is from the equator, the larger the spores tend to be. If any such research has been done with the Colorado's spores, it is not readily available.
Ralph was told the Colorado is from Colorado. He believes what he was told. There is little evidence to dispute or support the story... but it is more than likely someone told Ralph a lie or at the very least, unknowingly stretched the truth.
It doesn't really matter if the Colorado cube really came from Colorado. It still makes for quite an interesting story.
Colombian Rust Spore (a.k.a. CRS)
The Colombian Rust Spore is a unique cube.
Workman obtained a print of Colombian Rust Spore from grod31. Spore coloration is identical to PF Redspore but CRS is much less likely to abort. According to Workman, aside from its lighter flesh tone and rust colored spores, CRS is nearly identical to the B+ Type 2 which was accidentally sold as B+ by www.sporeworks.com for a time, before the error was discovered and corrected. It is suspected B+ Type 2 is actually PES Amazon which also originated from Colombia. Colombian Rust Spore, because of its stability, is a good candidate for crossing with other cubes.
Costa Rica (a.k.a. CR)
The Costa Rica Cube was discovered by Rhino.
According to workman of www.sporeworks.com Costa Rica was, "Generated from a Costa Rican sample that was labeled as an unknown landslide mushroom."
Ryche Hawk from www.thehawkseye.com has a more detailed story:
"Another great sacred mushroom brought to you first by The Hawks Eye Sacred Mushroom Spores. This sweet cubie was found in the foothills surrounding Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. Approximately 1000-1200 ft. elevation. Our good friend Rhino was thoughtful enough to take some spore prints from the mushroom specimens he collected while exploring various regions of Costa Rica. More on Rhino's story of finding this treasure below.
Costa Rica is a magical kingdom. We have heard nothing but exciting stories over the years from our friends that have visited this tropical area of the world. We are glad to have a sacred mushroom from this region of the world that has been growing at the base of a highly active volcano for how many centuries? With Costa Rica lying on both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, I imagine this mushroom has heard many stories come through the winds. What kind of stories will it whisper to you?
Here's Rhino's story:
Our trip fell one month into the 'green season'
as it is referred to by the Costa Rican nationals (Ticos y Ticas).....It
was wet....to put it mildly but it did not spoil our trip one bit
had a rented 4x4 (tiny) and we traveled to 4 different geographical regions
within Costa Rica. We did not collect these specimens in a cloud forest region
which are approx 3000'-4400' above sea level near the continental divide.
The cubies were found in the foothills surrounding Arenal Volcano.
Strangely, they call this area the Central Lowlands but it seems a lot
higher. I checked for reference and determined that the area is
1000'-1200' above sea level Having said this, cattle are raised from sea
level to the highest summit throughout the country and we saw many enticing
cow fields even in the highest areas. This time of the year the temps were
a little cool in the higher regions that have perpetual moisture...or maybe
not...daytime temps were in the low 70s and night temps dropped to the high
50s/low 60s. Other times of the year, these areas see the 70s-80s that
were constant in the area around La Fortuna and the base of the volcano.
For this reason, I would think that cubies could be found in CR any time of
the year with optimum conditions falling at different altitudes depending
on the season. Due to the frequent downpours, the mushies we collected
were a little soggy but stout.
I have many pics and I have a great story about finding these mushies. I knew
there must be cubies everywhere but I did not want to trespass and finding
someone to ask was not too easy but I was determined to get onto someone's
farm. While on an excursion to the chachagua waterfall in this vicinity, we
came upon a rasta (hispanic rasta) fellow selling hand made jewelry and hand
made pipes, bongs as well as hammocks and batiks (sarongs) along the side of a
rural road. We stopped to have a look and began talk with the guy (Daniele)
because I was looking for some green. He was extremely cool and invited us to
his shop to smoke some herb. His shop was just behind his roadside stand and
behind that his home. His place sat right in the middle of several farms and
as we talked more I asked if he knew about psilocybe mushies and if they could
be bought in Costa Rica. He laughed and said they are everywhere and they are
free...only the herb cost $$. Cattle had not inhabited the fields immediately
around his place for several months and the grass was waist high. He actually
called a buddy of his (Mateo) and had him take us to a farm belonging to
another friends family. The picture you have of the farmhouse is where I am
talking about...nice place! We scoured the fields and only came up with only
a handful that day but they said there are usually many more. Only 4 were
printable. We saw several cubies that were waaay past their prime and were
all slimy and blue. I did not mess with any of these of course. It had been raining
heavily the last 24 hours and I think a couple of days later would have been
productive but we had to travel to the next stop on our trip and could not
stick around. We (Lana & myself) ate just a little bit for a buzz and sat
outside with them as the sun set. Mateo ate a full dose and looked to be to
be in full bloom after about an hour...lol. The guys played the bongos while
we sat and made jewelry with all the beads and things Daniele had. It was a
kick ass experience for us as we are city dwellers. We had planned to eat the
four printing caps in a couple of days since we would be in the cloud forest
but we could not get them dry fast enough after printing even with rice and as
a result they got ruined. We were sad but very glad to have the prints
instead. That way we can try this strain later after giving the spore prints to our
friends at The Hawks Eye.
the spore prints to our
friends at The Hawks Eye."
Creeper (a.k.a. Keeper's Creepers or KC)
Easily the most popular of Keeper's Cubes.
For more information see the profiles for Keeper Brand Cubes and Exit 8.
Cuba (Camaguey)
From the country that gave us the root of the word, "Cubensis"... really.
Dakak Beach Philippines
According to Ralphster, "The original of this strain was found at the same time as the Quezon. Fruits tend too be a little smaller than some."
Dancing Tiger China
According to Ralphster, "From the expert efforts of my good friend Agar. This strain is sure to please. These Cubes bruise dark blue and have a distinct oatmeal like flecking onthe caps."
The Dixieland cube was discovered in Alabama and isolated by Dial8, a member of the Mycotopia mushroom community.
Ecuador (a.k.a. EQ)
The Ecuador cube is quite popular. It, along with B+, are perhaps the most popular commercial cubes ever. EQ is a classic cube. It is very domesticated, and therefore a good candidate if you plan to use multispore.
The original EQ specimin was originally collected in the mountains of Ecuador by B.I.O. According to B.I.O. himself, stated back in the year in 2000:
"i brought this beautiful EQ strain 10 years ago from ecuador also one down from the amazonas.....the EQ mountain strain i collected in northern ecuador close to otavalo at 10.000 ft altitude....it was growing at temps around 70 F and its a slow colonizer....but a shaman told me that the mountainshrooms a clearer and stronger....
EQ's can grow to be quite large, a common trait among many South American cubes. The caps can be quite huge with very dark prints.
While not the fastest growing cube, the EQ makes up for it with its impressive flushes. There is little about the EQ to make it look different from other cubes. It is an average looking cube which often produces larger than average fruits. According to Workman, the EQ is slightly easier to pick than most cubes since the fruits don't cling to the substrate.
For many years, EQ was known as a good cube for beginners, although any cube is a good cube for beginners.
The Yosterizii cube is simply a renamed version of the EQ produced from a supposedly prolific EQ substrain.
Elephant Dung
This is another Thai cube credited to John Allen.
From www.ralphstersspores.com
"The Elephant Dung shrooms came from three prints collected from one shroom and a few other prints which are on deposit at Chulalongkorn university in Bangkok.” - John Allen
Elephant Gate
This is an elusive cube, if you find a print you are among a select few.
According to Roadkill and mjshroomer, John Allen found the original specimen at a monastery near the Elephant Gate in Samui Thailand. Roadkill used the print to find a good isolate and has given out a handful of prints to other mycologists.
Exit 8
Very little is known about Roadkill's Exit 8 Cube, but it is worth mentioning because it played a roll in cubensis history.
According to Roadkill:
"Roadkill said:
I contacted the Keeper by email...
I told him that I had some new strains of Cubensis that I was willing to trade with him...
he emailed me back and was very excited and wanted to trade with me.
and he asked me what strains I was interested in getting from him.
Told him I was interested in his Keepers Creeper strain...
and asked him about where the Keepers Creeper strain was from...location wise.
he emailed me back...
and he said that the Keepers Creeper strain was from Jamaica.
Who knows if he was telling me the truth.
The Keeper was very interested in getting his hands on my "Exit 8" strain.
He liked the name of it!~
I never traded him the "Exit 8" strain so if he comes out with it...
it's not the real "Exit 8" strain.
The guy is a snake charmer!~
plain an simple!~
he would sell his own mother to make a buck $$$$
As far as growing the Keeper Creeper strain goes...
The Keeper Creeper is a good strain.
fast colonizing, nice large fruits on bulk substrates if the growing conditions are right.
and I won't talk about the trip...
F+ (a.k.a. Florida White)
F+ has never been very popular. Perhaps this is due to its name, which implies a mark of failure, according to American school standards. F+ supposedly originates from Florida. It was used by The_Chosen_One in a cross with PF Albino to create the elusive Falbino. There is little about the F+ which distinguishes it from an average cube.
The Falbino is a unique cube.
The story of the Falbino is a great tale for amateur mycologists everywhere.
"It was PFA monokaryon isolate in lc with F+ spores germinated in it. the history can be a bit confusing i know. the mushroom itself is confusing."
The result is a cross known as the Falbino. Compared to other true albino cubes, the Falbino is a prolific fruiter and not as prone to aborts. According to Workman, the Falbino grows upwards until it reaches maturity, then its stems tend to bend, much like Penis Envy. While the Falbino does drop spores, they are clear and hard to see unless printed to something dark like tin foil.
"there are now a few different versions out there. the pure albino as noted here. the pigmented version which drops purple spores heavily. and the pigmented version which also produces albino fruits and chimeras* mixed in with the pigmented ones.
*chimeras are fruits that have some pigment and some albino mixed together in one fruiting body.
also, things will be possibly be getting more confusing in the near future as i have been working with a backcrossed version for some time now. the original backcross produced some giant pigmented fruits as well as large albinos. the pigmented fruits are now lacking most pigment so what we have is an almost albino mushroom that drops purple spores quite heavily. the fruits are also very heavy, but not great in number typically."
Golden Teacher
The Golden Teacher is a classic cube. GT is very domesticated and is a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Nobody seems to know where the Golden Teacher Cube came from but it was likely discovered in the Gulf region of the USA. This cube has been around for quite a while and has been sold by many vendors. It can produce average to large flushes of average looking cubes. Some GT's can grow to be quite large. Some may display a nipple on the top of the cap and according to Workman, the occasional 'wart'. Colonization and fruiting times may be a little slower than average. Opinions about the GT are quite mixed. Some love it, some hate it.
From Guadalajara Mexico.
Gulf Coast (a.k.a. GC)
Gulf Coast is a classic cube. It originated in the Gulf Coast region of the U.S.A.
GC is reported to be a fast and aggressive cube. GC has been around for so long, it is likely well domesticated. GC is a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Hanoi Vietnam
Mushroom John Allen discovered this cube in Vietnam, he reports extreme blue staining and potentially high potency.
Discovered in Alabama. Isolated by and named after Hillbilly, the guy who found the first specimen.
From Honduras.
This cube is from a history filled region. According to Workman:
"The Huautla strain of Psilocybe cubensis is a recent collection from the wilds of southern Mexico in the region of Oaxaca near the village of Huautla de Jimenez. Huautla de Jimenez has gained notoriety as the hometown of mushroom shaman Maria Sabina.
In 1954 Gordon Wasson and Allan Richardson became the first Caucasians to participate in a mushroom ceremony, conducted under the guidance of Maria Sabina near the village of Huautla de Jimenez. Wasson and Richardson each consumed specimens of Psilocybe caerulescens var. mazatecorum.
Our good friend Club99 recently collected the Huautla variety of P. cubensis from this historically rich region."
Another cube with the same name was sold by Mushmush in Europe for a short time.
Katmandu Nepal
There is very little info about this cube. Like most cubes, it was probably named after the place it was discovered.
Keeper's Brand Cubes
"Strains include: The Keepers Creeper, Tequila Spikes, Veracity Sincerities, Shooting Stars, Sanctuaries, Yin/Yang?s, Oasis, Northern Lights, Hairy Buffaloes, Illusion Weavers, Chimeras, Reality Benders, Blue Meanies (Cubensis), Nj6, The Star Gazer, Z-Strain
Koh Samui and Koh Samui Super Strain (a.k.a. KS and KSSS)
Koh Samui was discovered by Mushroom John Allen. It is known to produce fatass (short but fat) cubes.
According to www.thehawkseye.com
"Another great psilocybe mushroom brought to us by Enthomycologist John Allen from his travels through Thailand. This beauty was picked in the town of Hua Thanon on the island of Koh Samui."
Koh Samui is known for shorter than average fruits with meaty stems that are noticeably wider on the bottom than at the top. For its height, Koh Samui can have unusually large caps but Koh Samui from time to time, puts out some surprisingly normal looking fruits. Pins commonly have red tops with white spots. The caps turn red-brown with maturity.
Koh Samui Super Strain came from a prolific Koh Samui isolate. There is much debate over weather KSSS is actually a, "Super Strain". Some people swear by it, some long for the original. Some think it is less varied in appearance than the original. Your results may vary. KSSS is likely just a more domesticated version of Koh Samui, so if you plan to use multispore, try the Super Strain, and if you work with agar, stick with the original.
Many people are found of Koh Samui. It is usually easy to spot from picture alone. It is a great addition to any collection.
Large Fruit
According to Ralphster, in spite of its name, Large Fruit is an average sized cube. It was originally donated to Eric at the FSRE.
Lizard King (a.k.a. LK)
The Lizard King strain has an interesting history, and it was discovered by Lizard King who had a hand in finding several coveted Mexacanae specimens as well. Anand played a large roll in domesticating the Lizard King cube.
What makes this cube interesting is that it was found growing on a mixture of wood and horse poo. Wood is not a common substrate for wild cubes but given the right conditions cubes will grow on damn near anything.
Malabar India (a.k.a. Malabar or Mal)
Malabar is a moderately unique cube. It was discovered by 3M in Malabar, India.
The prints were given to several members of the online mushroom community and eventually, to vendors. Phrozendata, Roadkill and Thor all had a hand in domesticating the Malabar cube we know today.
Malabar is known for its caps and veils. The veils may stay connected to the cap, even when the cap is fully mature. The cap itself is known to be dark in the center and it fades to a light yellow near the edge.
Malabar is a beautiful cube, often with meaty stems and poor spore production.
Collected by Mushroom John Allen. According to Ralphster, this cube can frequently mutate.
Matias Romero (a.k.a. MR)
Matias Romero is a classic cube with a fascinating history.
According to mjshroomer, the Matias Romero was discovered near the town of the same name, in Mexico by Dr. Steven Pollock one of the forefathers of cubensis mycology. Pollock is reported to be the first mycologist to use poo/straw to grow cubes. He also discovered the sclerotia producing Tampanensis (not a cube).
As the legend goes, Professor Fanaticus, creator of the PF Tek likely created the PF Classic Cube we all know and love from Matias Romero spores which he purchased form Mr. Harris and the Homestead company in the PNW. PF Classic certainly does resemble Matias Romero.
That's it for now... more to come later.
(fonte RALPHSTER SPORES em:http://www.fungiforum.com/index.php?showtopic=78 e em Mycotopia)
The Truth About Different Types of Cubes:
Most cubes look alike.
All cubes grow in the same conditions.
The differences between cube races, varieties or 'Strains' are, more often than not, minute.
Some races are known for fast colonization, or large fruits... even high potency.
BUT... these 'Facts' are often just vendor hype.
Your results will most likely vary.
The Truth About Cube Potency:
If you want something that is very potent, you should probably try a different species and avoid cubes all together... either that, or eat more cubes. Agar will potentially allow you to select a more potent sub-strain. A few cube races and varieties are reported as being more potent than others... but there is no scientific evidence to strengthen the potency argument. Everybody wants the answer to this question... but all we have is opinion. Most people agree there are differences in potency from one type of cubensis to another... but they seldom agree on which cube is the most (or least) potent.
The Truth About The Fastest Growing Cubes:
Some cube races and varieties are known to grow at a faster or slower rate, on average, than others. There is evidence which suggests the fastest cubensis races produce the smallest mushrooms and the slower races and varieties produce the most bulky fungus. Ultimately it all seems to even out in the end (with a few exceptions). Also, the slow cubes more frequently display unique macroscopic characteristics (in other words, they are more likely to look noticeably different from other races) while the fast ones usually look like average (or smaller than average) cubes. It tends to take more time to grow a large or unique cube. If you are looking for a cube which produces a LOT of quick bulk, you may be looking for a long time... and you'd better work with agar.
The Truth About Bulk:
Race, variety or 'Strain' has little to do with bulk. With some work, any viable cube print should produce good flushes. Good isolation on agar, and good fruiting conditions are the only proven ways to get consistently bulky flushes. There are no quick and easy solutions. If you want bulk, first you are going to need diligent patience.
The Truth About Selecting Your Spores:
The thing that distinguishes most races, varieties or 'strains' is where they originated and who collected the first specimen. If you are interested in Tasmania, try some Tasmanian spores. If you like the story of how SG30 was resurrected by Shdwstr, try SG30. If you think Penis Envy looks fun, try it. They are all cubes. Pick one that interests you, and see if you like working with it.
The Truth About Multispore vs. Strain Isolation:
Agar allows you to work specifically with your spores but it costs more money and takes much more time. However, proper agar work will give you consistency from one grow to the next.
Multispore inoculation is a turkey shoot. You never know what you are going to get. Mother nature is unpredictable. If you intend to use multispore, it is suggested you work with a classic and/or popular cube variety. Cubes that have been popular for 10 or more years tend to be popular for a reason, and their genetics have probably been limited (in a good way) by being selectively bred over and over again... generation after generation. You are more likely to see consistent results via multispore, if you use a proven race.
There are possible errors.. PM me if you wish a correction.
A Strain
The A Strain is a classic cube. It was originally marketed by Mr. G., "Creator" of the B+.
A Strain is well domesticated, and a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Albino A+ comes from a recent mutation of the A Strain.
Acadian Coast
According to Roadkill and Ralphster, the Acadian Coast Cube supposedly originated in Louisiana. While it has never been a popular cube, people who try it seem to enjoy it. There is little info here about the origins of this particular cube.
Albino A+
The Albino A+ is a unique cube.
According to Workman from www.sporeworks.com, the Albino A+ is a recent leucistic mutation of Mr. G's A Strain. This means it is not a true albino, just very pale, with almost white flesh. A true albino wouldn't have dark spores. A+ does. Albino A+ caps sometimes have a sharp nipple. Not a prolific fruiter, but better than most true albinos. Because of its dark spores, AA+ may be a good candidate for crossing with other cubes. If you are interested in albinos, but you want to print them easily, you may wish to look at Albino A+.
Allen Strain
According to Roadkill, the Allen Strain was discovered by Mushroom John Allen near Ban Tailing Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand. Roadkill domesticated the only wild print and named it after the man who discovered it. An ideal Allen Strain mushroom is reported (by Roadkill) to have an egg shaped cap just before the cap breaks from the stem and the fruits reach full maturity.
This cube comes from... surprise! Argentina. Unfortunately, there is not much info here about this particular cube.
Australia (a.k.a. Aussie)
Information about the origins or unique traits of the Aussie Cube have been hard to find. It may have been discovered by B.I.O. but these rumors are as of yet, unconfirmed.
Aussie cubes are known for (and nicknamed after) their golden or yellow coloration. They are commonly known as 'Gold Tops' in the Down Under.
Australia has plenty of cows and a good climate for cubes. It seems the Aussie is an average (If yellow-ish) looking cube.
The B+ origins have become a thing of legend. B+ is a classic cube and has been one of the most popular commercial cubes in history. It is very domesticated, and a good candidate, if you plan to use multispore.
Nobody knows exactly where the cube which became B+ came from.
Mr G... who, "Created" B+ swears it is a Psilocybe cubensis/azurescens hybrid... MOST people disagree with this statement... and chalk it up as a marketing ploy. Nobody has been able to prove the B+ is an Azure hybrid. It would be rather miraculous if Mr. G. succeeded. It is safe to say his claims are BEYOND belief.
There no evidence to suggest cubes and azures could be crossed in this way. Although, some people say the caps of B+ resemble the cap of an Azure... and there are a few reports suggesting B+ spores may share some Azure traits as well. This is likely just wishful thinking.
B+ is known for its LARGE fruits. You will likely need a well hydrated cake/casing/tub to get the most out of B+... otherwise the shrooms may not reach their full potential.
B+ can be SLOWER growing than many other brand name cubes (but like EVERY cube, your experience may vary). B+ has been commonly known as a good choice for BEGINNING cultivators. Many believe B+ is very forgiving and can grow in a wide range of temperatures and conditions.
To further the B+ mystery, for a time, Sporeworks accidentally sold a different strain (the prime suspect is PES Amazonian) under the B+ label. This mistake has since been corrected, but there may be several different 'strains' floating around the trade community under the name B+. This may explain why there is so much discrepancy in descriptions of B+ grows, including reports of hollow stems, varied colonization/growth times and fluctuations in potency.
Speaking of potency, there are a surprising amount of reports of "Dud" batches of B+ (ie: not very potent). While most people swear by the potency of B+, there are many who think it is rather tame (at least, occasionally). Don't worry too much about potency. B+ was recently voted the most popular cube so it must do something right.
Many say the B+ puts out good initial flushes, followed by smaller flushes of larger fruits.
Ban Hua Thanon (a.k.a. BHT)
According to Mushroom John Allen, aka mjshroomer:
"This is the original shroom from which all Koh Samui Ban Hua Thann shrooms orginated rom.
The first shroom I obtained three prints from. It was collected in the same field as the P. samuiensis. IT was then grown indoors in Europe and prints were obtained and sent to me.
And so I present these prints for your pleasure and enjoyment.
Here is a picture of the original mushroom involved."
Ban Nathon Dhupatamyia (a.k.a. BND)
Another Thai cube discovered by Mushroom John Allen.
The original mushroom was collected right next to the military base and along the road that goes up to the Tarnim magic gardens at 450 meters altitude. These were collected just above sea level, maybe 60 feet.
Ban Phang Ka (a.k.a. BPK)
Discovered in Thailand by Mushroom John Allen. Reports by Ralphster of large fruits.
Ban Thurian (a.k.a. BT)
Discovered in Thailand by Mushroom John Allen.
Big Mex
Supposedly, the Big Mex comes from Mexico and was brought to us by Mr. G, creator of the B+.
Blue Meanie Cube
One of Keeper's cubes, the Blue Meanie Cube has caused a great deal of confusion. Blue Meanie has long been the nickname for the pan (copelandia) cyan, another magic shroom which grows in similar conditions as cubes but is much more potent. By naming a cube after another type of shroom, it has lead to a great deal of confusion, particularly when it comes to dosage. This single name has caused dangerous confusion.
For more info, see the entry for Keeper Brand Cubes.
According to Roadkill, the Brazilian variety is, "A great strain, a must have."
Like most South American cubes, Brazilians are known for their large fruits and aggressive colonization.
Burma (a.k.a. Burmese Yangoon)
According to Workman, "Original specimen was collected from buffalo dung in an unplanted rice paddie outside the city of Yangoon, Burma. Original collection supplied via Mushroom John by way of a gift from a Thai student who spent time collecting mushroom samples around Yangoon (formaly Rangoon), Burma (now Myanmar)"
Cambodian (a.k.a. Cambo)
Cambos are classic cubes.
Rumors of Cambos potency and aggressive colonization abound. Cambos are quite popular among many cultivators.
According to Ryche Hawk from www.thehawkseye.com Cambos are, "A very nice and fast growing cubensis from Cambodia. This cubensis was originally picked by John Allen while in Cambodia filming some of the psilocybe mushrooms that grow naturally throughout a lot of the country."
According to Ralphster, this cube is, "Straight from the Chilean mountains".
The Colorado Cube is an enigma.
Rumors of cubes growing in the Rocky Mountain West are common. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to support these rumors. The stories of wild cubes in the Rocky Mountain West are likely stem from cultivators who use the story to disguise their grow op. Western cultivators may simply tell friends that they know how to find cubes in a cow pasture (especially FRESH cubes), instead of saying, "HEY! I GROW THESE MYSELF! I HAVE A COLLECTION OF PRINTS, SYRINGES AND JARS! I HAVE A MARTHA, AN ULTRASONIC AND A PC!!!!"
Ralphster from www.ralphstersspores.com swears he was told the spores came from Colorado, but it is extremely unlikely the person who gave Ralph the original spores was telling the whole story. Without a great deal of human intervention, cubes would struggle to grow outdoors in Colorado's cold and dry, high altitude climate. Due to long winters, the potential wild cube growing season in Colorado is very short. This warm season is often very dry and also, too hot for cubes. While not entirely impossible, Colorado's conditions are simply not optimal for cubes. Not even in a good year.
If the Colorado Cube really is from Colorado, it was likely gathered from a cultivator's well tended outdoor (or even indoor) patch... or a farm animal ate some shrooms in the Gulf Coast region and was quickly transported to Colorado where it pooped the spores out at the perfect time of the year for cube growth.
A true Colorado cube would likely show some interesting microscopic traits, for example a Colorado cube should have unusually large spores. The further a native cube is from the equator, the larger the spores tend to be. If any such research has been done with the Colorado's spores, it is not readily available.
Ralph was told the Colorado is from Colorado. He believes what he was told. There is little evidence to dispute or support the story... but it is more than likely someone told Ralph a lie or at the very least, unknowingly stretched the truth.
It doesn't really matter if the Colorado cube really came from Colorado. It still makes for quite an interesting story.
Colombian Rust Spore (a.k.a. CRS)
The Colombian Rust Spore is a unique cube.
Workman obtained a print of Colombian Rust Spore from grod31. Spore coloration is identical to PF Redspore but CRS is much less likely to abort. According to Workman, aside from its lighter flesh tone and rust colored spores, CRS is nearly identical to the B+ Type 2 which was accidentally sold as B+ by www.sporeworks.com for a time, before the error was discovered and corrected. It is suspected B+ Type 2 is actually PES Amazon which also originated from Colombia. Colombian Rust Spore, because of its stability, is a good candidate for crossing with other cubes.
Costa Rica (a.k.a. CR)
The Costa Rica Cube was discovered by Rhino.
According to workman of www.sporeworks.com Costa Rica was, "Generated from a Costa Rican sample that was labeled as an unknown landslide mushroom."
Ryche Hawk from www.thehawkseye.com has a more detailed story:
"Another great sacred mushroom brought to you first by The Hawks Eye Sacred Mushroom Spores. This sweet cubie was found in the foothills surrounding Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. Approximately 1000-1200 ft. elevation. Our good friend Rhino was thoughtful enough to take some spore prints from the mushroom specimens he collected while exploring various regions of Costa Rica. More on Rhino's story of finding this treasure below.
Costa Rica is a magical kingdom. We have heard nothing but exciting stories over the years from our friends that have visited this tropical area of the world. We are glad to have a sacred mushroom from this region of the world that has been growing at the base of a highly active volcano for how many centuries? With Costa Rica lying on both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, I imagine this mushroom has heard many stories come through the winds. What kind of stories will it whisper to you?
Here's Rhino's story:
Our trip fell one month into the 'green season'
as it is referred to by the Costa Rican nationals (Ticos y Ticas).....It
was wet....to put it mildly but it did not spoil our trip one bit
had a rented 4x4 (tiny) and we traveled to 4 different geographical regions
within Costa Rica. We did not collect these specimens in a cloud forest region
which are approx 3000'-4400' above sea level near the continental divide.
The cubies were found in the foothills surrounding Arenal Volcano.
Strangely, they call this area the Central Lowlands but it seems a lot
higher. I checked for reference and determined that the area is
1000'-1200' above sea level Having said this, cattle are raised from sea
level to the highest summit throughout the country and we saw many enticing
cow fields even in the highest areas. This time of the year the temps were
a little cool in the higher regions that have perpetual moisture...or maybe
not...daytime temps were in the low 70s and night temps dropped to the high
50s/low 60s. Other times of the year, these areas see the 70s-80s that
were constant in the area around La Fortuna and the base of the volcano.
For this reason, I would think that cubies could be found in CR any time of
the year with optimum conditions falling at different altitudes depending
on the season. Due to the frequent downpours, the mushies we collected
were a little soggy but stout.
I have many pics and I have a great story about finding these mushies. I knew
there must be cubies everywhere but I did not want to trespass and finding
someone to ask was not too easy but I was determined to get onto someone's
farm. While on an excursion to the chachagua waterfall in this vicinity, we
came upon a rasta (hispanic rasta) fellow selling hand made jewelry and hand
made pipes, bongs as well as hammocks and batiks (sarongs) along the side of a
rural road. We stopped to have a look and began talk with the guy (Daniele)
because I was looking for some green. He was extremely cool and invited us to
his shop to smoke some herb. His shop was just behind his roadside stand and
behind that his home. His place sat right in the middle of several farms and
as we talked more I asked if he knew about psilocybe mushies and if they could
be bought in Costa Rica. He laughed and said they are everywhere and they are
free...only the herb cost $$. Cattle had not inhabited the fields immediately
around his place for several months and the grass was waist high. He actually
called a buddy of his (Mateo) and had him take us to a farm belonging to
another friends family. The picture you have of the farmhouse is where I am
talking about...nice place! We scoured the fields and only came up with only
a handful that day but they said there are usually many more. Only 4 were
printable. We saw several cubies that were waaay past their prime and were
all slimy and blue. I did not mess with any of these of course. It had been raining
heavily the last 24 hours and I think a couple of days later would have been
productive but we had to travel to the next stop on our trip and could not
stick around. We (Lana & myself) ate just a little bit for a buzz and sat
outside with them as the sun set. Mateo ate a full dose and looked to be to
be in full bloom after about an hour...lol. The guys played the bongos while
we sat and made jewelry with all the beads and things Daniele had. It was a
kick ass experience for us as we are city dwellers. We had planned to eat the
four printing caps in a couple of days since we would be in the cloud forest
but we could not get them dry fast enough after printing even with rice and as
a result they got ruined. We were sad but very glad to have the prints
instead. That way we can try this strain later after giving the spore prints to our
friends at The Hawks Eye.
the spore prints to our
friends at The Hawks Eye."
Creeper (a.k.a. Keeper's Creepers or KC)
Easily the most popular of Keeper's Cubes.
For more information see the profiles for Keeper Brand Cubes and Exit 8.
Cuba (Camaguey)
From the country that gave us the root of the word, "Cubensis"... really.
Dakak Beach Philippines
According to Ralphster, "The original of this strain was found at the same time as the Quezon. Fruits tend too be a little smaller than some."
Dancing Tiger China
According to Ralphster, "From the expert efforts of my good friend Agar. This strain is sure to please. These Cubes bruise dark blue and have a distinct oatmeal like flecking onthe caps."
The Dixieland cube was discovered in Alabama and isolated by Dial8, a member of the Mycotopia mushroom community.
Ecuador (a.k.a. EQ)
The Ecuador cube is quite popular. It, along with B+, are perhaps the most popular commercial cubes ever. EQ is a classic cube. It is very domesticated, and therefore a good candidate if you plan to use multispore.
The original EQ specimin was originally collected in the mountains of Ecuador by B.I.O. According to B.I.O. himself, stated back in the year in 2000:
"i brought this beautiful EQ strain 10 years ago from ecuador also one down from the amazonas.....the EQ mountain strain i collected in northern ecuador close to otavalo at 10.000 ft altitude....it was growing at temps around 70 F and its a slow colonizer....but a shaman told me that the mountainshrooms a clearer and stronger....
EQ's can grow to be quite large, a common trait among many South American cubes. The caps can be quite huge with very dark prints.
While not the fastest growing cube, the EQ makes up for it with its impressive flushes. There is little about the EQ to make it look different from other cubes. It is an average looking cube which often produces larger than average fruits. According to Workman, the EQ is slightly easier to pick than most cubes since the fruits don't cling to the substrate.
For many years, EQ was known as a good cube for beginners, although any cube is a good cube for beginners.
The Yosterizii cube is simply a renamed version of the EQ produced from a supposedly prolific EQ substrain.
Elephant Dung
This is another Thai cube credited to John Allen.
From www.ralphstersspores.com
"The Elephant Dung shrooms came from three prints collected from one shroom and a few other prints which are on deposit at Chulalongkorn university in Bangkok.” - John Allen
Elephant Gate
This is an elusive cube, if you find a print you are among a select few.
According to Roadkill and mjshroomer, John Allen found the original specimen at a monastery near the Elephant Gate in Samui Thailand. Roadkill used the print to find a good isolate and has given out a handful of prints to other mycologists.
Exit 8
Very little is known about Roadkill's Exit 8 Cube, but it is worth mentioning because it played a roll in cubensis history.
According to Roadkill:
"Roadkill said:
I contacted the Keeper by email...
I told him that I had some new strains of Cubensis that I was willing to trade with him...
he emailed me back and was very excited and wanted to trade with me.
and he asked me what strains I was interested in getting from him.
Told him I was interested in his Keepers Creeper strain...
and asked him about where the Keepers Creeper strain was from...location wise.
he emailed me back...
and he said that the Keepers Creeper strain was from Jamaica.
Who knows if he was telling me the truth.
The Keeper was very interested in getting his hands on my "Exit 8" strain.
He liked the name of it!~
I never traded him the "Exit 8" strain so if he comes out with it...
it's not the real "Exit 8" strain.
The guy is a snake charmer!~
plain an simple!~
he would sell his own mother to make a buck $$$$
As far as growing the Keeper Creeper strain goes...
The Keeper Creeper is a good strain.
fast colonizing, nice large fruits on bulk substrates if the growing conditions are right.
and I won't talk about the trip...
F+ (a.k.a. Florida White)
F+ has never been very popular. Perhaps this is due to its name, which implies a mark of failure, according to American school standards. F+ supposedly originates from Florida. It was used by The_Chosen_One in a cross with PF Albino to create the elusive Falbino. There is little about the F+ which distinguishes it from an average cube.
The Falbino is a unique cube.
The story of the Falbino is a great tale for amateur mycologists everywhere.
"It was PFA monokaryon isolate in lc with F+ spores germinated in it. the history can be a bit confusing i know. the mushroom itself is confusing."
The result is a cross known as the Falbino. Compared to other true albino cubes, the Falbino is a prolific fruiter and not as prone to aborts. According to Workman, the Falbino grows upwards until it reaches maturity, then its stems tend to bend, much like Penis Envy. While the Falbino does drop spores, they are clear and hard to see unless printed to something dark like tin foil.
"there are now a few different versions out there. the pure albino as noted here. the pigmented version which drops purple spores heavily. and the pigmented version which also produces albino fruits and chimeras* mixed in with the pigmented ones.
*chimeras are fruits that have some pigment and some albino mixed together in one fruiting body.
also, things will be possibly be getting more confusing in the near future as i have been working with a backcrossed version for some time now. the original backcross produced some giant pigmented fruits as well as large albinos. the pigmented fruits are now lacking most pigment so what we have is an almost albino mushroom that drops purple spores quite heavily. the fruits are also very heavy, but not great in number typically."
Golden Teacher
The Golden Teacher is a classic cube. GT is very domesticated and is a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Nobody seems to know where the Golden Teacher Cube came from but it was likely discovered in the Gulf region of the USA. This cube has been around for quite a while and has been sold by many vendors. It can produce average to large flushes of average looking cubes. Some GT's can grow to be quite large. Some may display a nipple on the top of the cap and according to Workman, the occasional 'wart'. Colonization and fruiting times may be a little slower than average. Opinions about the GT are quite mixed. Some love it, some hate it.
From Guadalajara Mexico.
Gulf Coast (a.k.a. GC)
Gulf Coast is a classic cube. It originated in the Gulf Coast region of the U.S.A.
GC is reported to be a fast and aggressive cube. GC has been around for so long, it is likely well domesticated. GC is a good candidate for multispore inoculation.
Hanoi Vietnam
Mushroom John Allen discovered this cube in Vietnam, he reports extreme blue staining and potentially high potency.
Discovered in Alabama. Isolated by and named after Hillbilly, the guy who found the first specimen.
From Honduras.
This cube is from a history filled region. According to Workman:
"The Huautla strain of Psilocybe cubensis is a recent collection from the wilds of southern Mexico in the region of Oaxaca near the village of Huautla de Jimenez. Huautla de Jimenez has gained notoriety as the hometown of mushroom shaman Maria Sabina.
In 1954 Gordon Wasson and Allan Richardson became the first Caucasians to participate in a mushroom ceremony, conducted under the guidance of Maria Sabina near the village of Huautla de Jimenez. Wasson and Richardson each consumed specimens of Psilocybe caerulescens var. mazatecorum.
Our good friend Club99 recently collected the Huautla variety of P. cubensis from this historically rich region."
Another cube with the same name was sold by Mushmush in Europe for a short time.
Katmandu Nepal
There is very little info about this cube. Like most cubes, it was probably named after the place it was discovered.
Keeper's Brand Cubes
"Strains include: The Keepers Creeper, Tequila Spikes, Veracity Sincerities, Shooting Stars, Sanctuaries, Yin/Yang?s, Oasis, Northern Lights, Hairy Buffaloes, Illusion Weavers, Chimeras, Reality Benders, Blue Meanies (Cubensis), Nj6, The Star Gazer, Z-Strain
Koh Samui and Koh Samui Super Strain (a.k.a. KS and KSSS)
Koh Samui was discovered by Mushroom John Allen. It is known to produce fatass (short but fat) cubes.
According to www.thehawkseye.com
"Another great psilocybe mushroom brought to us by Enthomycologist John Allen from his travels through Thailand. This beauty was picked in the town of Hua Thanon on the island of Koh Samui."
Koh Samui is known for shorter than average fruits with meaty stems that are noticeably wider on the bottom than at the top. For its height, Koh Samui can have unusually large caps but Koh Samui from time to time, puts out some surprisingly normal looking fruits. Pins commonly have red tops with white spots. The caps turn red-brown with maturity.
Koh Samui Super Strain came from a prolific Koh Samui isolate. There is much debate over weather KSSS is actually a, "Super Strain". Some people swear by it, some long for the original. Some think it is less varied in appearance than the original. Your results may vary. KSSS is likely just a more domesticated version of Koh Samui, so if you plan to use multispore, try the Super Strain, and if you work with agar, stick with the original.
Many people are found of Koh Samui. It is usually easy to spot from picture alone. It is a great addition to any collection.
Large Fruit
According to Ralphster, in spite of its name, Large Fruit is an average sized cube. It was originally donated to Eric at the FSRE.
Lizard King (a.k.a. LK)
The Lizard King strain has an interesting history, and it was discovered by Lizard King who had a hand in finding several coveted Mexacanae specimens as well. Anand played a large roll in domesticating the Lizard King cube.
What makes this cube interesting is that it was found growing on a mixture of wood and horse poo. Wood is not a common substrate for wild cubes but given the right conditions cubes will grow on damn near anything.
Malabar India (a.k.a. Malabar or Mal)
Malabar is a moderately unique cube. It was discovered by 3M in Malabar, India.
The prints were given to several members of the online mushroom community and eventually, to vendors. Phrozendata, Roadkill and Thor all had a hand in domesticating the Malabar cube we know today.
Malabar is known for its caps and veils. The veils may stay connected to the cap, even when the cap is fully mature. The cap itself is known to be dark in the center and it fades to a light yellow near the edge.
Malabar is a beautiful cube, often with meaty stems and poor spore production.
Collected by Mushroom John Allen. According to Ralphster, this cube can frequently mutate.
Matias Romero (a.k.a. MR)
Matias Romero is a classic cube with a fascinating history.
According to mjshroomer, the Matias Romero was discovered near the town of the same name, in Mexico by Dr. Steven Pollock one of the forefathers of cubensis mycology. Pollock is reported to be the first mycologist to use poo/straw to grow cubes. He also discovered the sclerotia producing Tampanensis (not a cube).
As the legend goes, Professor Fanaticus, creator of the PF Tek likely created the PF Classic Cube we all know and love from Matias Romero spores which he purchased form Mr. Harris and the Homestead company in the PNW. PF Classic certainly does resemble Matias Romero.
That's it for now... more to come later.
(fonte RALPHSTER SPORES em:http://www.fungiforum.com/index.php?showtopic=78 e em Mycotopia)