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Lista de Fungos contendo Psilocibina (Lista por JWA)


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Galera, o @Mauricio encontrou hoje um lista publicada na net que, de acordo com o John W. Allen, é a lista mais recente dos fungos que contem Psilocibina, Psilocina e outras triptaminas. Esta lista corrige vários erros cometidos ao longo do tempo por micologistas que não tinham muita sabedoria sobre a Psilocibina e acabaram classificando alguns fungos como psicoativos quando na verdade não são. Como também corrige vários erros daqueles "micologistas" amadores que pegaram lista publicada por outro micologista na net e adicionaram cogumelos de "sua região" que não nascem/crescem por lá.

De acordo com ele (JWA) essa é a lista mais recente e correta, extraída do Ethnomycological Journals: Sacred Mushroom Studies" Vol. IX (260 pages, Jan-June, 2011.)

Arquivo anexado abaixo (inglês).

John Allen is one of the worlds foremost and expert mycologists, particularly in the active Psilocybian mushrooms. He has recently completed a list of psilocybin containing mushrooms, all 197 of them, and the chemical content. He has permitted us to post his compendium to the internet. Here's is his posting:

The All New Complete Chemical List of Psilocybian Fungi.

Finally after three years of research and some new chemical activity, I have now put together the most complete and honest listing of the actual species of mushrooms that contain psilocine, psilocybine and other active tryptamines. I have, with symbols, marked those that are listed in dozens of books that are not active by a symbol, and those that the authors of their taxonomic papers registered the notation of intense bluing in the stipes or caps of the species studied. IT thus removes species that all new books and editions of older shroom guides by scholars need to use to correct their actual list of active species

So enjoy this list, extracted from "Ethnomycological Journals: Sacred Mushroom Studies" Vol. IX (260 pages, Jan-June, 2011.

The Allen List of Chemical References to the Psilocybian Neurotropic Species of Psychoactive Fungi.

Attached File AllenList1-3-2011-1Master6-24-3011-1.pdf (788.86K)
Number of downloads: 2

shroom - walker

Shroom Walker is John's online name at several sites.

The "ETHNOMYCOLOGICAL JOURNALS: SACRED MUSHROOM STUDIES VOL. VIII" that he refers to may be found here: http://www.mushroomjohn.org/

This is John's site and it is full of very useful information on wild active mushrooms. It shows where he has found many that are today's favorites among the Thais and other far eastern finds. If you are growing a Thai, you can be sure that John found it and brought it back. Please wander about his site, you will find it most informative. It is full of pictures, information, history of finds, his art, links to international mushroom OMCs and all kinds of wonderful stuff.


  • AllenList1-3-2011-1Master6-24-3011-1.pdf
    788.9 KB · Visualizações: 119
esses da jprimeira foto tem cara de se poteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetes!
E quanto aos pontos de interrogação em determinadas espécies?