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Estudos sobre ondas binaurais e relacionados e [Vídeo] 936Hz Pineal Gland Activation Meditation

Frequente este tema, gostaria de abrir para discussão.

De cara já recomendo dois vídeos:

Binaural Beats: What They Are & How They Work

Binaural Beats: Tips on Getting the Best Effects

E recomendo este programa muito bom.

www.binauralbrains.com :teo_seta_direita: muito explicativo também.

e a minhas dicas para o assunto em geral:

:idea: não pague por isto, existem muitas empresas tentando ganhar $ com este tema. MUITAS.
:idea: use bons fones de cabeça, estéreo e confortáveis.
:idea: faça com vendas confortáveis ou no escuro total.
:idea: a totalidade da pratica consiste em meditar, deixar a mente focada no som, deixar o som entrar em você, visualizar as ondas cruzando seu cérebro, não pensar em nada que não seja, o vazio e as ondas, estar presente 100% no aqui e agora.
:idea: usar da respiração a seu favor.
:idea: ficar o máximo confortável possível, achar um equilibrio de posição onde não entre facilmente em um estado de torpor/sonolência.

e garanto pela minha experiencia de uns 5 anos no assunto, a meditação focada nas ondas binaurais são efetivas.

postem aqui vídeos, textos, tudo relacionado ao tema.
E é claro, estaremos dando inicio a uma serie de testes com a experimentação de sessões de batidas binaurais durante a ingestão de enteógenos.
Última edição:
Spatial Angle Modulation (SAM)

In 2008 The Monroe Institute began to investigate a complementary method of producing the consciousness altering effects of Hemi-Sync®, a safe and effective essential component of our educational programs for decades. We were looking for an audio support technology that would extend the range, scope and flexibility of our seminar programs and educational materials. The new Spatial Angle Modulation Technology™ (SAM) was developed to meet those needs. SAM will not replace existing Hemi-Sync products or programs, but will hopefully provide the platform for future seminar programs and educational materials.

The SAM audio support technology was developed within the context of contemporary scientific revelations about consciousness and neural microtubules which, based on a quantum mind hypothesis, supposes that consciousness consists of a series of discrete events or objective reductions (at ± 40Hz) of the quantum wave function within neural microtubules. We experience these as a continuous flow of consciousness, as do we individual frames in a movie—our consciousness appears continuous because the frames are happening in rapid succession.
Once modern science uncovered what appears to be a neurological basis for personal experiences such as intuition, inspiration, revelation, transcendence, ESP, NDE, etc., we set about developing an advanced sound technology founded on this new understanding. The result of this effort is an innovation based on the established principles of acoustic resonance and fits well into our long history of audio guidance systems.
Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM) uses a single frequency tone digitally movement-modulated for presentation in a stereophonic field. Using stereo headphones or speakers, the spatial angle of the apparent sound source moves more rapidly than the brain can process as a Doppler shift anomaly. As a result, the brain produces a modulation or change in the tone—a tremolo effect similar to binaural beating. It is this tremolo effect coupled with the size and orientation of the movement arc produced that give SAM its ability to influence regional brain activity and changes in states of consciousness.

In practice, multiple signals (SAM arcs at different frequencies and locales) may be presented simultaneously. In addition to controlling the nominal frequency of the sound source and the frequency at which the arc effect is produced, there are several other parameters that can be adjusted to control spatial aspects of the signal and its measurable effects on regional neural activity and consciousness.

Because microtubules exhibit resonance at specific audio frequencies (see article here, and the references there in), it was possible to develop a system of resonant SAM wave patterns to align microtubule cellular structures (viz. the Cymaticeffect). This necessarily alters the geometry of zero-point-field (ZPF) spaces (plenums) at molecular and atomic levels within selected regions of the brain. As the geometric symmetry of the plenums increase, so does ZPF quantum coherence—both within plenums and between geometrically matching plenums. The greater the quantum coherence quotient, the more non-local awareness emerges or what one might call experiential quantum entanglement, the gate key to non-local awareness.

The SAM audio support technology provides a means of inducing altered states of consciousness ranging from deep relaxation to expanded perceptual abilities and other "extraordinary" states. When SAM is combined with other sensory-information techniques (such as sitting in a darkened room), social-psychological conditioning tools (such as group communitas), and educational curriculum (in which new cognitive, “consciousness expansion” skills are learned), it has the ability destabilize the ongoing baseline state of consciousness (usually the normal waking state). And, as the process continues, the SAM stimuli are modified and become patterning forces to engender various altered states of consciousness. Eventually, a new self-stabilized structure—the desired altered state of consciousness—forms and is supported by SAM thus providing access to a variety of beneficial applications and personal experiences of expanded states of consciousness.

Hemi-Sync® Focus Levels describe discrete perspectives from which reality is said to be perceived differently, hence one moves from one Focus Level to another. This well trod path of exploration has become a tradition here at The Monroe Institute. The SAM audio support technology, however, does not limit perceptual venues to these traditional Focus Levels. One might consider thinking about SAM's quantum-state explorations as beginning beyond the “bridge to other reality systems” concept of Focus™ 21. For ease of reference and orientation, SAM's nonlocal realms are labeled as phase states. SAM Phases depict consciousness as a continuum rather than discrete Focus Levels. Along this infinite continuum, a particular perspective is assumed to be the result or sum of many points-of-view, one’s collected experiential repertoire. Moving beyond Focus 21 with the SAM technology, one explores a broad spectrum of quantum mind phase states of consciousness, growing their accumulation of experiences and enriching their lives.

Another way to picture all this, illustrated with the movie frame metaphor above, is that with the SAM quantum mind technology we will be able to alter the frame exposure rate for perceived local reality (± 40Hz), the interlude between frames (when you are entangled with all space/time), and the exposure period for both perspectives. With this new technology, you may be able to move across the "bridge to other reality systems" and integrate your experiences there, craft a genuinely meaningful life, realize your true Self and, thereby, benefit all of humankind.

Apesar da recomendação de "não comprar", já fiz algumas aquisições, mesmo porque não encontrei alternativas gratuitas para SAM. Já tinha 3 audios, mas ainda não consegui fazer muitas experimentações, agora adquiri mais alguns programas completos. Vou "empacotar" e hospedar, depois atualizo aqui com os links.
Spatial Angle Modulation Downloads

Courtyard Rain MP3 - Balanced Hemispheres

Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!94himCaZ!QHmorDXuxj7SNfACF9JT2jv90dsRcP1r5OK7lWjBsHk
Journey across the border between deep relaxation and a profound meditative experience with the sound of summer rains, and the singing of a nightingale, cuckoo and other feathered friends.
Restore your natural harmony as SAM™ technology blends exquisitely with the sounds of summer rain and exotic birdlife. Reflect on the pureness of flowing water over glistening stone structures as you enhance the serenity of your inner courtyard. Use for expanding your awareness, self-exploration and deeper, more profound meditation.
Length: 31 minutes

Beyond the White Room

Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!NhZBRZbA!CdGIeh7EGnRPPoI3n2X2EGkHk5F4qwhuDWZLae9IhGs
This guided meditation is synched with Spatial Angle Modulation™ and enhances the ability to relax your active body and busy mind so that you may become familiar with undiscovered aspects of Self. You will recognize this unique meditative state of consciousness through feelings, sensations, and as novel perceptions of Self begin to emerge. With practice, you will learn to reenter this state of internal, receptive calm and revelation at will.

Central Core MP3 - Balanced Hemispheres

Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!NwRSCKZJ!YsQ0zUgrgPLUtksq8VIPhm0StLxRGQ4InMuVw-Nbdrw
Access your deepest personal realms while creating a powerful space for harmonic and physical attunement.
Be transported to a mystical state as you bring balance and harmony to all levels of your body, mind and spirit. SAM technology is blended seamlessly with ambient music to enable the activation of your energetic “core” and enhance your overall well-being.
Instruments featured: electric guitars, piano and electronic textures.
Length: 30 minutes
Ótima contribuição!!!

quem acha que o nome do tópico deveria ser apenas : Estudos sobre ondas binaurais e relacionados
dá um "concordar neste post"
o ecuador não quer mudar.
Sugeri a ideia pra ele, pra ficar mais claro sobre o que é o tópico, tomara que mude de ideia.
Essas 3 faixas foram as primeiras que adquiri e tive resultados bacanas com o Beyond the White Room, mas ainda preciso evoluir bastante para começar a descascar o potencial dessa tecnologia.
Quando terminar de upar o resto, atualizo aqui.